Business, Technology, Sports, Polity, The markets, Finance, Marketing all revolves around the small and medium enterprises that make it and the world at large what it is today. In the ongoing information age that is revolutionizing the world today for a better tomorrow, knowledge is power and those who have it make the world spin at their whims. Knowing more about the global business scenarios is vital in honing your insights in the industry and raising your value as an asset to the company you work for.
Thanks to the power of the Android platform and the relentlessly hard-working community of app developers supporting it, you now have the ultimate solution for keeping you updated with the hottest news and trends in the business world. And it is all accessible with simple one-touch access wherever you go!
Yes, business enlightenment is now portable and can be carried around literally in the palm of your hands, and all we have to do is exploit it and access it correctly. The esteemed app in mention is named Business Insider. This outstanding business news app provides the means for us to do exactly that and that too through an extremely easy-to-use and navigationally perfect app.
The Business Insider app for Android is essentially a news app that enable you access to all top stories in business developments 24/7 from around the world.
Here are the following primary news categories that can be seen in it; and most importantly, unlike other news apps, these apps have sub categories as well:-
- Latest News
- Tech
- Enterprise
- Science
- Finance
- Your Money
- Markets
- Wealth Advisor
- Politics
- Military and Defence
- Law and Order
- Strategy
- Careers
- Advertising
- Retail
- Small Businesses etc.
This way the Business Insider app has not only everything you need to know around the world, but form a user’s navigation perspective the app has quite what it takes to give in detail all that an ideal businessman would need.
The interface of the Business Insider app is like a typical news app with thumbnails to the left and a snippet of the article to the right in writing which can be scrolled.
Further in order to establish importance of certain business cover stories, the Business Insider app will automatically highlight a few articles right at the top and below that in a smaller size other relative articles will be highlighted.
The parameters that this is dependent on is the importance of the article to you, depending on what you have read and your reading history on the app, The time the article was put up, your general interest, the importance of the news review/article etc.
What you also get is analysis and commentary from the day by leading experts and journalists who make a superb summarized presentation of all the business highlights and what happened in the markets around you that you need to know about.
The Business Insider app has also been optimized keeping in mind those of you who may not have access to internet or Wi-Fi at all points in time. This app allows you to read articles offline as well where data connection is not necessarily required.
Now Business Insider also keeps in mind the importance of letting the world know about things and in alignment to that sharing has been added in as an important criteria in the app and thus you can share the content and data that you read on the app from anywhere and through any app that is on your phone that enables sharing links via all major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Stumbleupon, etc.
You can also tell people about the Business Insider app through the app with the ‘share app’ button directly fit at the top so that they can download it and upgrade their news experience too.
With a highly impressive overall rating of 4.3 stars on Google Play Store, Business Insider is making waves in the world of business and news-related apps. Although it may not be the most influential portal in the wake of bigger news houses that have a more powerful brand name, Business Insider caters to a specific set of news that helps you decipher all the essential business secrets and insights that you need to know without burdening you with redundant information.