So you have finally rooted your phone and are now looking to extract the maximum performance out of it. There are some options you can avail of to increase the processing speed but they are a bit advanced in nature. However, since you have managed to do the rooting by yourself, you should be able to manage this as well. Just ensure you have a backup to protect you should anything go wrong.
a) Try installing a custom ROM – Not only can you enjoy better features but you will also notice a dramatic improvement in speed of your device. This option bears credence especially when you are stuck with 2.1 or lower versions of your stock Android. There are a number of ROM options available but something like the CyanogenMod has been found to work on most phones. You are free to experiment with different ones though. Of course, keep in mind though that custom ROMs may not be available for all devices, so be sure to check online forums if there’s anything available for your device. Also, installation of custom ROMs would require an unlocked bootloader and a custom recovery, bot of which will void the device warranty.
b) Overclock the processor – For this you would require a custom kernel that is specific to your particular model. Just Google and search in forums to find it.
These kernels improve clock speed based on the voltage they are provided to work with. Higher speeds will suck in more voltage and that will in turn drain your battery as well.
c) Remove Bloatware – Use the Titanium Backup to remove applications that are clogging up your device. Once you have the app, open it and select Backup/Restore and just tap the various apps you want to eliminate.
Take backups to ensure none of them compromise on the working of your device to be on the safer side. You can later on uninstall them at leisure. You may also freeze apps you know are not useful so that they free up the memory space and enable your device to run faster.
d) Check out the ROM advanced settings – Doing this will take some work in terms of finding them as different ROMs have the settings at different places. Once you find them, you can use the Compache to get you more RAM through the creation of virtual space or enable the JIT to get you a speed boost for the more intense applications such as high graphic games. Again, these may not be available to all devices, and in all custom ROMs.
You may also use the Lock Home in Memory feature to save the home screen in memory so that no fresh power is drawn each time. Then you have the VM Heap Size that allows you to allocate memory space based on the apps you wish to run.
Essentially you have to tweak this setting based on your requirement and you will discover that if you do not allocate a lot of it to LauncherPro, you can get great speeds with even a 12M or 16M capacity as long as you have the JIT enabled to take care of other applications that gobble up resources.
Try out the above tweaks and play with them to find the most appropriate settings for your device.