Android security is becoming an increasingly important issue among smartphone and tablet users. Yes, Androids – just like any computer – can get infected by viruses and malware.
So what can you do to protect your Android? Fortunately, there are plenty of free Android apps available for you to use. Here are a few of our favorite free Android security apps.
AVG Antivirus Free
AVG is Android’s most popular antivirus solution. Although the basic version of AVG is free, there are also premium versions that give users enhanced security and features.
In most cases, AVG Antivirus Free will give users more than enough protection. The free version will scan your phone in real time to identify malware problems before they infect your system. It will also proactively manage your web browsing to identify threats before you click on them.
You expect antivirus software to do these things. But AVG Antivirus Free surprises users in other ways. It monitors battery, storage, and data usage on your Android, for example. And it can even locate your lost phone over the internet using Google Maps.
These are just a few of the features that make AVG Antivirus Free Android’s most popular app. Check it out today at the Google Play store.
Avast! Free
Avast is more than just a pirate’s catchphrase. It’s also a powerful Android antivirus solution. Avast works just like most other Android antivirus programs in that it provides complete protection from all sorts of malicious Android apps. It protects your internet using a web shield and allows you to locate your phone if it’s stolen or lost.
Basically, Avast! does everything that AVG Antivirus Free does. The main difference is that Avast isn’t available from the Google Play store. It has to be downloaded from the Avast website itself.
Sophos Mobile Security
Sophos is a fairly well-known PC antivirus company that has taken the time to develop a version for Android. Sophos Mobile Security will scan all apps you install and it will regularly scan your device for any infections. External storage devices are also covered by Sophos and users have up-to-the-minute threat updates thanks to Sophos Mobile Security’s use of ‘the cloud.’
Sophos has been in the news a lot in recent weeks due to a recent update that caused the program to label itself as malware. This problem only affected PC users, and the Android antivirus program offered by Sophos continues to be a popular option among users.
Download Sophos Mobile Security today for free from the Google Play store.
Do you need Android antivirus software?
If you use antivirus software on your PC, then you should have it on your Android as well. Some people are able to avoid downloading viruses when browsing online, while others cannot. In any case, the internet is a dangerous place, and browsing without antivirus software is as close as most of us get to playing Russian roulette.
Since the free antivirus apps we’ve listed above are fairly lightweight, they’re not going to impact your Android’s performance in a very noticeable way. Since they’re 100% free, you have nothing to lose by download them today.