Google has been able to achieve to acquire a huge market share with their Android OS powered smart phones. With an over 80% share of the quickly growing smart phone market, it is sitting pretty with Apple a distant second and Microsoft hardly there in the fray. However, the journey over the last 4 years when Google update its OS a number of times have not been without its own set of issues. One of them has been the prevalence of bloatware and the other has been fragmentation.
Open Source Architecture – The Main Reason
The open source architecture adopted by Google for its Android OS provided developers the opportunity to present and introduce software of their own. OEMs soon used the Android OS for their flagship phones but introduced additional software that resulted in the original Android Stock version getting compromised.
Fragmentation occurred when updates sent by Google about the latest running Android OS were either delayed or when sent were not implemented by various OEMs on time. This resulted in many of the Android gadgets running OS versions that were outdated. Google has since tried to bring about uniformity and has also made efforts to see that users are exposed to stock Android OS as best as possible.
Android L – The Best Solution
The conception and ultimate release of the Android L OS by Google is expected to take care of both of the above issues. Many users have reported that they are sick and tired of bloatware they have to endure and tolerate even though they have not asked for them. Since these are introduced into the system partition by developers, the users cannot even uninstall them.
Google believes that the Android L system will make it impossible for developers to install bloatware or apps on the system henceforth. The user would have the flexibility to seek apps he or she wants and this flexibility is a great choice to exercise. It is not known at this point in time if this feature would be a mandatory one but users would no doubt welcome it.
Google has also made it clear to OEMs and others promoting the Android L that it would not tolerate them introducing apps and according them prominence on the home screen any longer. Users have complained that due to local apps and other software dotting the home screen, they are not able to make use of popular Google apps. Android L will surely ensure this is not continued by OEMs and other over enthusiastic developers.
Fragmentation Will Also Be Reduced
Thanks to the Android L and its new look along with many important utility features, users of other Android versions will surely want to upgrade as quickly as possible. Google on its part will make the code available to OEMs and it is up to them to implement the upgrade at the earliest and provide stock Android experience to the consumers.