The Android Lollipop is here and brings with it bugs that we thought Google would have ironed out before its launch. After all, the hype and anticipation before the release suggested this to be the perfect OS after a long time and expectations were naturally high. However, even before its launch, Google had to deal with the battery draining issue that delayed the roll out and now that it is out, users are encountering other issues as well.
To be fair to Google, some of these issues would crop up only after sustained use and that is why any release of software needs to be observed initially and is subject to a lot of scrutiny. Lollipop users have experienced problems with app restarts when they use the system for a protracted period of time. Other issues pertaining to the sync button within the settings have also surfaced.
Sync Button Issue
This sync button issue is quite a unique one and hitherto not seen in any of the OS versions of either Google or iOS or Windows. Here, the user is just offered the ‘Cancel Sync’ option in place of the ‘Sync Now’ one. During regular use, there is need to select accounts that the user would like to sync on the new Android device if nothing has been synced till then.
Those who have e analyzed the problem say that it is an operational bug that t appears to have cropped up as the ‘Sync Now’ option does appear when the user does an uncheck and then a recheck of a particular item within the sync list before going on to the 3-dot main menu.
Apps Restarting
Yet another bug is the restarting of apps that pulls down performance of the OS. Here the issue seems to be related to ‘memory management’ of the OS as the bug closes apps while giving out ‘notifications’, before restarting them. The bug appears to be closing apps on its own as if to save memory even though there is sufficient RAM at hand on the device. It is therefore acting as a watch dog to conserve memory on the device by closing apps even though there is no apparent memory shortage.
One way of fixing it has been suggested by many users. They advise restarting the device altogether, but considering that each reboot will take up RAM, that solution seems to be self defeating and may trigger off yet another closing of whatever apps that are subsequently opened as the bug would once again act to save memory it perceives is not available. There are also users who claim to have noticed this bug while using the Nexus 9 but not on the Nexus 4.
Google has been sounded off about the sync button problem but they have not yet come up with any response. Same is the case with the restarting apps issue and when you consider that there are other bugs like the Wi-Fi bug, and the flashlight bug also affecting some Nexus users, it does appear Google has a lot on its hands.