The roll out of the Android Lollipop has finally begun. After a hiccup when Google wanted to resolve the battery draining issue, the process has begun in right earnest. As expected, the rollout would be implemented on most of the Nexus devices, if the announcement on the Twitter account of Android is anything to go by. The definition of most Nexus gadgets refers to the Nexus 4, 5, 7 and this is for both 2012 as well as the 2013 versions and Nexus 10.
Slow And Easy Does It
The update will be administered over-the-air and would be a gradual process. Google anticipates it will take close to 3 weeks for it to get completed. If you are one of those impatient ones, you can head over to the Android Lollipop factory and get it done but beware it is a rather complicated process. It might be a better idea for the process to happen over-the-air and is definitely worth the wait.
If you are wondering what happens to the Nexus 6 and 9 users, hold on. There are some bugs that Google would like to address before the update is sent to these gadgets. The update to the Lollipop for the above mentioned versions will be put on the Android Open Source Project and would be from Kit Kat to Lollipop.
While Google has confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy would not get the update, Motorola, as expected has begun receiving the update. The Moto X and second generation Moto G would be the first to receive the update. The update is being released only to Motorola customers in the US for the moment. Original Moto X and Moto G owners would have to wait a bit longer though.
Motorola has not committed to a date when customers outside the US and which of its devices would start receiving the updates as of now. Given its track record however, it should not be very long before these customers too start getting the update. The choice of devices though may vary and Motorola might decide to update all their flagship gadgets simultaneously.
LGG3 users though are a happy lot. They would be getting the updates much sooner than anticipated. Typically in the past, brands like Samsung, LG and Sony have not been too proactive in implementing OS updates and may have contributed inadvertently to the huge fragmentation of the Android OS across the world.
This time however, LGG3 is off the mark and users of other brands would hope for a similar response.
The Android Lollipop has been much awaited in the market thanks to its material design and boatload of other visually enhancing features. Users are also keen to experience the boost in battery power as well as higher processing capabilities of this OS.
Google would hope it is able to set to rest fragmentation issues and that its customers get a much richer Android experience from here on.