I know that there are a lot of device managements apps out there and all of you must be having some app or the other that helps you manage your device better. There are a lot of such apps and all of them are excellent. Also, I know that our devices are our lifeline. We are heavily dependent on our devices and cannot imagine a life without them.
From basic things like making calls to more technically evolved things lie shopping online, everything can be done on our smartphones. However, constantly staring at the small screen can be a little taxing. It can induce a headache at times and it can easily tire our eyes.
The best solution to this problem would be to get some relief from a tiny screen and continue work on a bigger screen. And that is exactly what today’s app does. The 2X Mobile Device Management app allows you to take control of your mobile phone with your keyboard and mouse via Wifi using your web browser or via internet when connected to a 2X Mobile Device Management account.
The main remote control features include:
Camera – You can see a live stream of your mobile device camera from your browser and take pictures
SMS – You can send your SMS via web interface just like from your phone and receive a popup directly on your browser (Chrome or Firefox with desktop notifications extension) when a message is received. Auto-complete, mass-messages, and other features.
Contacts – You can see the contacts present on your phone, add or delete phone numbers and emails.
Call Handler – When your phone starts to ring you will see it on your Web Desktop, and you can decide to answer (With speakerphone or headset of your phone)
Wifi Keyboard – Remotely type text on your device using your keyboard
File Manager – A complete file manager with preview functions, to navigate into your device memory. You can fast see text files and images by double-clicking on the file icon. Files can be uploaded with drag & drop too (IE doesn’t work).
Sensors – You can see the values of the sensors of your phone. You will find a compass that shows the orientation of your phone and Google Maps – Showing the position based on Network or GPS.
Clipboard – You can see and set the clipboard of your phone absolutely in real time.
Personal Web Server – Web pages hosting on your android phone!
Shell – A simple but complete way to access the phone shell directly from the web
Logs – Now you can see the logs directly via web interface!
The main features include (2X MDM account required):
Bridge Mode – Take control of your device through an internet connection from anywhere
Device Tracking – Simple, precise tracking of connected mobile devices using Bing Maps
Deploy Applications – Manage apps to groups of Android phones
Security – Remotely lock or wipe corporate data from abused, lost or stolen devices
Administration Portal – Receive alerts, send messages to your mobile devices and audit your users
So keep giving your eyes a break from time to time by managing your device with 2X Mobile Device Management because it is strenuous to constantly keep staring on the small scree of your rooted/unrooted android device!