Today, you can get more out of your Android device by the process of rooting. You can become the master of your device and equip it with apps that work only on rooted devices. These apps are available on the Google Play Store and they will provide you with a much improved user experience. Some of them are as under:
The Greenify app is a hot favorite with many users as it allows you to put into hibernate mode all those apps that guzzle battery power while running in the background. You can try out Greenify on a non rooted device first to see how it helps.
SD Booster
The next one is the SD Booster which can boost up the SD card performance by adding more storage through caching more files. It can do this even as you are browsing the files of your card and while the writing speed may not increase, you will see the difference in the reading speed of these files.
Assistive Zoom
Assistive Zoom is the next one that is a much needed feature for smart phones. On the smart phone, the pinch to zoom is an innovative way of being able to look at images but it requires the user to engage both his hands. The Assistive Zoom enables you to see an image clearly using just one finger and it works well with most of the popular apps that enable zooming.
Full Screen
Full Screen is yet another simple app that enlarges the screen through the removal of the notification bar and menu bar. Despite their removal, you would still be able to enjoy the functionality through the app itself and it is also compatible with many other applications to ensure you do not miss out on any benefits.
Root Uninstaller
Root Uninstaller is the perfect application for Android users who are plagued with bloat ware and struggle to get rid of them. Currently they are unable to remove them from their non rooted device and not many wish to take the risk of rooting the device. The Root Uninstaller helps to get rid of such bloat ware and that is its single most useful feature.
Automation of tasks is a requirement that is felt by many Android users. With the Tasker application, you can get some of the more mundane tasks of turning on the Wi-Fi, taking a back up of the SD card and so on automated. The app may appear complicated to use but it is only a matter of time before you get used to it.
If you are a multiple device user of Android then you need the DataSync application that will enable you sync the various application data using services like the FTP or Wi-Fi or even cloud services such as Dropbox. As and when you shift to a new device, you need not repeat the process of transferring data you need. Just leave it to the DataSync application to do the work for you.