While I keep covering apps that help us in being an aid to our memory because those apps are actually a blessing because they can prevent serious problems (and I am sure that the creators of such apps have been victims to such situations wherein one forgets their credit card pin or their mail password and is doomed in that really important moment). We keep making everyone count the insane number of passwords one has to remember in order to make sure that their property and their lives remain theirs, I forgot one very essential password without which most of these other passwords will cease to function because they will not be required anymore, and that password is the WiFi password.
I know you guys were wondering where this was heading and as soon as you read the last bit of the sentence, you had the “oh yeah!” moment. Our lives are incomplete without internet and internet is so essential that is has become something that people have started stealing. Something that cannot be seen or touched can be stolen, just a little food for thought.
Anyway, the fact that is has started being stolen has led it to become a very priced possession and also password protected. But with another password comes another cringe on our nose because WiFi passwords are usually not that straightforward making it even harder to remember. Thus, let us put our hands together for Free Wifi Password Recovery. No, it is not a sentence, it is an app.
This app can be used to backup all WiFi passwords on your device, and restore it when you need them with just one click, you may even share with friends through SMS or email. Yes, it is that easy.
Free Wifi Password Recovery comes with a set of features:
■ LIST, BACKUP & RESTORE all network’s (WiFi) password saved on your device
■ Show SSID and Password on fullscreen (for easy viewing and sharing with others)
■ Copy WiFi Password to Clipboard (to be able to paste anywhere)
■ Show QR Code (to another device scan and access the network)
■ Share password through SMS or Email
There is, however, just one condition you need to fulfil to use this amazing app – you need to have a rooted android device. Also, this is not an app that hacks into Wifi networks, it does not crack Wifi passwords, it just helps you remembering yours and sharing it with others. Otherwise this app would have been illegal and would not have been covered. It will also need previous access to WiFi networks with your device to retrieve passwords.
One more thing, since Free Wifi Password Recovery is a free app, thus, it contains ads to support its cost. However, if you are someone who cannot stand them at all, there is a paid, ad-free version that you can use. Now whenever you get another password in your long list of passwords, don’t worry because at least when it comes to your Wifi, you have a helping hand (read app)!