Most new generation marketing managers and executives have only got a taste of the true power that lies within the realm of digital marketing. Social media has been the game-changer that has accelerated this revolution. Both elite organizations as well as an individual with a little marketing savvy sitting at home can now manage a world class social media campaign if they have the right strategy backing it. For all those looking for a virtual campaign supervisor and planner that you can carry with you wherever you go, the Sprout Social Android app is a godsend.
Sprout Social is the ultimate Android app to assist all brand page managers with their Facebook and Twitter interactions. It enables you to measure interactions and comments and everything that’s creating a buzz on your Brand page. This one’s a must have if you and your brand are on the social media platform and looking to take it to the next level. It tells you what works best in your campaigns and where you need improvements. Let’s take a look how it functions.
To use Sprout social as a tool, you firstly need a Facebook Brand Page and a Brands Twitter handle.
These are then configured to your account in Sprout Social. It is essentially an app that provides statistics and analytics on your campaign’s performance across various social platforms.
Through Facebook and Twitter, a brand interacts with the audience in many ways. It uses Facebook by updating images and creative content and encouraging participation in applications and games and taking part in competitions to gather a larger fan base and an audience.
Sprout Social gives you details in terms of statistics that gives you how many new people spoke to you and how many old ones continued their brand loyalty. For example – The number of people who commented and shared your content.
Sprout Social gives you a graph in forms of pie charts and line graphs, giving you a comparative study over a pre-specified time frame so that you can further dissect the success and failures of your marketing campaigns.
For Twitter, it gives you the number of re-tweets you got on your tweets made and the number of ‘favorites’ people made of your tweets. It also tells you who followed you and who extended their loyalty.
The ultimate social media Performance monitoring tool also gives you a chance to schedule messages and tweets so that you can rest and lie back, and not worry about forgetting to keep your fans updated about any significant developments and announcements.
Through the Sprout Social app, you can also directly send messages, tweets and updates to respective social media sites, add attachments and photos, and obtain shortened URL links through the messaging tool itself.
You can have a detailed view in a list of the messages scheduled as well as scheduling tweets. All you need to do is go over over the calendar to get a sneak-peak into all the tweets and messages scheduled on any day.
In the Publishing tab, you can save messages as drafts in case you are in two minds as to what to do and later go back and take a look.
You can also maintain a message history to archive all your communications in case you need them for reference later.
You can target viewers and restrict your messages to the correct audience as well so that only the concerned audience can engage in exclusive interactions with you by retweeting, replying back to updates, asking queries and sharing, liking and commenting.
Keep a healthy check on your social media outreach by measuring who all can see these updates before scheduling, the potential reach, total clicks and responses, etc.
With the level of sophistication infused into this ingenious social media tool for Android devices, there definitely is a relatively steep learning curve and takes a bit of time in getting it use it as per your requirements. However, SproutSocial a brilliant social media app with a super interface that gives you best statistical results and workable data, and is a strong weapon of mass influence for digital marketing enthusiasts who want to step up their campaigns to the next level.