It is very rightly said that at times it is much more healing to talk to strangers than talking to someone we already know or are close to. Because at times the ones we know are the ones who tend to judge us, or have a biased opinion about a certain situation, or may not be able to make a fair call because of their love for us.
Talking to strangers can also be healing in a way. You get to witness new points of views, get to know different things as each person brings with them their personality. You might get to experience new cultures, know more people, what they like, what they dislike, learn new things in general. Basically, talking to strangers can be very enriching. However, random talking with strangers mostly happens at bars. There has to be some other place where one can find new people and have a good conversation with them. Well, there is.
Say hello to Omegle Android. Talking to strangers has never been easier. Chat with a person picked randomly from thousands of users on Omegle.com web site. Conversations are totally anonymous. Simple, fast and clean interface, for the best mobile Omegle experience!
This is the lite version, ad-supported. No limitation.
What is new in Omegle:
– Random chat with common interests
– Spy mode
– Captcha reduction system
It includes the following key features:
– Random chat in standard mode
– Random chat with common interests
– Spy mode
– Real Omegle look (and night and day themes)
– Share conversation online with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email… and save to your SD card.
– Browse web links sent by strangers without leaving the app
– Rotate your screen, it’s fun!
– Fill Omegle captcha directly in application
– Stay connected while app is in the background
– Analyze network problems with the embedded Connectivity Wizard.
However, you must note that Omegle requires permission to write to SD card in order to save conversations, when you wish to do so. For those with device memory problems: if there is not enough memory left, please shutdown other apps or reboot your phone. If you have connectivity problems, please try via WiFi. The app does not support video chat at the moment.
There are times in our lives when complete strangers manage to leave a huge impact on us, with what they do or what they say or how they think. And life can get a bit boring without new experiences, so, talking to strangers is one way to keep life interesting. If nothing else, Omegle is a good way to make new friends and find like-minded people. It is a good way to feel like you belong somewhere. After all, you never know who you might bump into.
Your best friend might be waiting to be found and Omegle is a good way to find her/him. You might even find the love of your life and if it none of these, you will definitely learn new things and enrich your life with more beautiful people!