Android is popping up on more than just smartphones and tablets. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen a surge in growth in the number of Android-powered desktop computers. Hardware manufacturers around the world are creating all-in-one computers powered by Android.
Today, Motorola continued that trend by announcing the HMC3260. Despite the catchy name, the Motorola HMC3260 has some pretty disappointing tech specs:
-1GHz ARM Cortex CPU
-1GB DDR RAM plus 4GB of flash memory
-18.5-inch LED display
-1366×768 resolution
-Android 2.3.4 OS
To put those specs in context, many of today’s hottest smartphones, like the Galaxy S III, would give the HMC3260 a run for its money. And today’s tablets would blow the HMC3260 out of the water. Unless the HMC3260 is priced at the ultra low-budget range, it’s difficult to see how it could catch on in today’s competitive Android marketplace.
The HMC3260 has already faced some criticism for its low tech specs, not to mention its use of the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) operating system. It might have been a nice computer if it was released a few years ago, but its current tech specs place it years behind the curve.
Some critics are even saying the HMC3260 looks “Apple-ish” due to its focus on flashy hardware as opposed to powerful internal components. Indeed, as you can see from the picture above, the HMC3260 resembles the iMac computer in so many different ways. Just look at the screen, keyboard and mouse.
If you want to learn more about the Motorola HMC3260, click here to visit Motorola’s official page for the device.