Internet has proven to be a boon to mankind in unimaginable and countless ways. It has saved up a lot of our money by making us in gain control of every possible situation that we are a part of. You do not know how to cook? Google it. You do not know how to fix a bulb? Google it. You need some new clothes? Google it. The solution to everything has become Google. We are so dependent on the internet that we have stopped realizing that we do not control the internet anymore, it controls us. We think we are smart, and we are, but we should not underestimate the power of the net.
Almost the whole world has become so evidently dependant on the net that the net outsmarted us by realizing our extreme dependence and made us think that we control it. Otherwise, why should there be advertisements popping up when we log on to some website? Or why does some random promotional video play before the video we want to view on YouTube? Does it not mean that even though we searched for something, but the internet is controlling the delivery of that thing and wasting our time and using up our internet?
If you agree and want to be in control again, you can download ATLAS WEB BROWSER. This is because it lets you take total control of your mobile web browsing experience.
It gives you control not in just one way but in a plethora of ways including, they are:
– Use AdBlockPlus (EasyList) filters to remove web annoyances, advertising, and tracking. Filtering reduces data usage and dramatically improves performance and battery life when browsing.
– Use the “Control Panel” slide-out to control site behavior: quickly toggle between desktop and mobile views. Switch between “HI-FI” (full) and “LO-FI” (JavaScript-free) browsing experiences.
– Optional Plus add-on lets you save content filtering, experience, desktop/mobile settings and more on a per-website basis.
– Free, Ad-free, and Invasion-of-privacy-free: NextApp will make money only on the *optional* paid add-on. Atlas DOES NOT collect information on your browsing habits or attempt to direct you to partner sites.
– Material Design-based user interface.
By removing undesired content and letting you take complete control over your web experience, Atlas uses less data, lowering CPU usage and preserving battery life. Sites load more quickly as large amounts of often poorly-written and inefficient JavaScript code related to advertising and tracking can be discarded.
Apart from the above mentioned features, ATLAS WEB BROWSER has a number of other features as well:
Additional features:
– Dual-view mode (with paid Atlas+ add-on) adds the ability to view two sites at once.
– Content-centric UI: No UI is visible when browsing, all available screen is used for displaying site content.
Privacy features:
– Sandboxed Private Browsing: Private browsing runs in a separate process without any access to your cookies. This prevents the cookie leakage into private sessions that is common among other third-party browsers under Android KitKat.
– Automatic search and suggestions from the location bar can be disabled (or only enabled when you preface a query with a slash (“/”).
Atlas follows NextApp’s standard free/paid model: a well-featured and ad-free free version with an optional paid add-on that offers more capabilities. The paid “Plus” version adds:
– Support for more than four tabs open at a time.
– Dual-View mode to view two web sites at the same time.
– The ability to remember your preferences on a per-site basis, such that specific web sites are retrieved in desktop/mobile modes or with or without content filtering enabled.
ATLAS WEB BROWSER does not only give you control of your web browsing but also helps you save your money, and more importantly, your precious time.