Game of Thrones is a complicated TV show – especially for those who haven’t already read The Song of Ice and Fire books off which it is based.
But fortunately, app developers have taken note. When watching the TV show, apps like HBO Go keep viewers updated on the complex relationships between characters. And now, for those who are reading the books for the first time, a new Android app aims to prevent confusion, avoid spoilers, and tell visitors exactly what’s going on in the pages they’re currently reading.
Sounds like a grandiose task? It may be. But here’s how the new “World of Ice and Fire” Android app works.
How it works
A World of Ice and Fire has been on iOS for quite some time (big surprise). It’s the only “official guide” to the series, and it aims to educate readers on:
-Every character in the books
-The relationships between characters
-The events currently underway in the book
-The significance of certain power struggles and events
The app is for both readers of the books and viewers of the TV show. The app is free for the first book, “Game of Thrones”, which makes it a perfect companion for those who are working their way through Season 1 or eagerly turning the pages of Book 1.
If you’re watching the TV show, the first guide will delve deeper into the events than the show ever could. This will help you impress your friends and gain a new in-depth knowledge about the series – knowledge that will pay off in later seasons or when you’re reading the books.
No spoilers, no problem
But the true beauty of the World of Ice and Fire app is its commitment to preserving spoilers. The problem with reading a book guide is that you risk inadvertently stumbling across some major spoilers. With the World of Ice and Fire app, users can tell the guide exactly where they are in the book in order to customize spoilers up to that point.
After finishing the first book, be prepared to shell out some extra cash. The Game of Thrones guides for Books 2 through 5 each cost $1. But if you’re going to read all 5 books (which you probably will once you’ve started), I recommend purchasing the entire set for $5, which includes guides for books 2 through 5 as well as additional info packages which normally cost $2 on their own.
I’ve already read all 5 Song of Ice and Fire books, but I’d be lying if I said I understood what was going on every page of those books. $5 is a small price to pay for totally understanding the Song of Ice and Fire, which is why I highly recommend the World of Ice and Fire app.
Criticism on Google Play
If you look at the Google Play Store listing for this app, you’ll find that it’s filled with negative reviews. Almost all of these reviews focus on the app’s pricing scheme, which is free for the first book but costs money after that.
As long as you download the app knowing that there is locked content you may have to pay for, you shouldn’t have a problem with the app.