In the world of social media there’s not much you can do about the big giants like Facebook and Twitter who have established enough of a market following that they will most definitely eat you up if you try to fight on their turf. But that won’t stop the newbies from going for the kill and offering something unique to socially engaged audiences.
Enter Pheed – a social networking app with no such twist in particular but still makes an impact through its features integrated into it.
Pheed is a classic photo-sharing app that allows you to share more than just photos by extending the principle of sharing to all possible kinds of media. This could mean text notes voice clips and videos as well. Basically everything that can be shared on the social platform is up for grabs.
Where Pheed truly stands a class above its competitors is in terms of its slick, uber-efficient interface. It is sleek and black and white in color scheme, and has great features that will want to make you stay. The usage is rather easy and has made quite a few tweaks to the conventional set of categories met on the app.
The main home page has the following options to choose from :-
• Home
• Discover
• News
• Profile
The Pheed app home page has everything you need to see in the form of a vertical timeline that will show you videos and songs form all you friends.
The concept of followers here is like ‘subscribers’ and ‘subscribed to’
You can remix and love posts in the form of likes and shares as well.
The discover page is a list of the top grossing individuals within each category so that you can know what’s happening where. The categories here include:
• Selfies
• Lol
• Music
• Art
• Technology
• Nature
And many more.
Within the discover tab, you will also see a ‘Popular Now’ and a ‘Friends Activity’ list so that you can scroll the list of everything in the world of media that’s there in it.
The channels that feature for you in the list are literally cherry picked for you so that you can see the best of what only you will like.
The News section will tell you all the more what you need to know in the world of specific categories. Here things significant enough to be general in nature and not only restricted to the users you have subscribed to will appear over here.
The Pheed Android app allows you to log into it via its own account system or through Facebook and twitter directly. This is in case you wouldn’t want to keep making accounts and creating usernames and passwords that you otherwise would not be able to remember.
All the content that you generate through the app as photos and videos etc. have your copyright and nobody can steal it.
You can also sort your timeline filter to give you exactly all what only you want.
Another great feature s the privacy setting where you can hide your subscribers from the outside world to see it to keep things private.
With the 420 character limit that you can use to express your thoughts, there’s enough you can share and describe through the app only for your subscribers to get a better insight.
With positive reviews from Mashable and Forbes, this one’s a definite download. Go get it on your Android device from Google Play Store today and upgrade your social media experience by leaps and bounds.