And here’s one for the food geeks. Everyone loves to eat; and the aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies is enough to uplift the spirits of the most tired and depressed souls nearby. It is very rightly said that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But not all of us share the enthusiasm for elaborate preparations to make the food that makes our tastebuds dance with joy.
It’s impossible to have an instruction manual handy with you in the kitchen for every recipe you crave; therefore, we often resign ourselves to potato chips and terrible microwaveable foods. So here’s a cool little Android app that amalgamates those millions of recipe books that our mums picked up from the book store all into one unified cooking experience and get us one step closer to the irreplaceable taste of their cooking.
Recipe Search is an Android app that offers over 150,000 recipes and finding then is even easier. Just type in the name of the ingredients you have and it gives up a list of food items with those spices and flavours in it. That’s not all, other than just food items it also gives:
- appetizers,
- soups,
- side dishes,
- drinks,
- diet recipes,
- desserts,
- main dishes,
- stews and
- Ethnic recipes.
To give you a clear idea of what the All the Cooks app looks like, these are its core filters.
- Find Stuff: Type in the dish you desire to eat that day and voila! The recipe is in front of you
- Home: A list of top recipe’s across the world that you can choose from.
- All Categories: These include Holiday recipes, snacks and appetizers, desert recipe’s etc.
- My Bookmark: Bookmark recipe’s that will be saved in this tab to have quick access to your favourite recipes and the ones that you have marked.
- What’s New: A list of the newest apps in the community that enable you to see everything that’s being cooked by a lot of other people.
Wait did someone say community? That’s right. A community where you can follow and get followed by thousands of aspiring chefs, connoisseurs and avid culinary enthusiasts.
You can also ask questions and be immediately answered as if the person were right in front of you. This fully integrated forum provides for a focus on health and food alike. These forums are on food related topics strictly.
You can also share recipes via Facebook and Twitter through the app and feature on the community as one of the top cooks and also feature in the top recipes of the week and the month.
Recipe Search enables you to save and share you shopping list as well and people in the community can help each other and pick up a vegetable or two in addition to sharing shopping lists.
Click a picture and show your friends what you’re cooking tonight.
In addition to food ingredients, the Recipe Search app also provides for recipe directions and reviews
What more, the app also has a cool avocado icon.
Cooking on holidays are even more fun holidays recipes that has got East, Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving with turkey recipes. Simply go to
-> All categories -> Holiday Recipes -> Thanksgiving Recipes and there you have it.
Drinks and bartending? Well, this app has got a plethora of jazzy cocktail and mocktail recipes too.
Calories and nutritional information is available for almost all the recipes and you can be an amateur dietician just by being associated with this lively community of over 10,000 cooks. So if you’re a foodie and even if you’re not, Recipe Search is a great new app that is going to add that spice that’s been missing in your food all along.