The availability of instant information is a boon to our daily lives. Yet, it could also be a curse sometimes. Times when we are desperately waiting for that favorite band to come to town or that funny stand-up comedian to perform, but all the damn tickets get sold off within the blink of an eye! It feels like the end of the world; it feels miserable.
Usually, a hundred percent sold off tickets doesn’t mean a hundred percent attendance. There are several cases of people dropping out of plans, or people just buying tickets in bulk for resale purpose to make a quick buck. Watching this can be really annoying when either one sees the ticket being wasted or sold at a price that seems to be a slap on the face. Sometimes we do shell out that much and enjoy the show but cannot help feeling being taken for a ride. Sometimes we end up convincing ourselves that the live telecast would be a much better experience than the actual show.
The problems lie on the other side as well. People end up having extra tickets for genuine reasons and do not know what to do with it. This leads to wasted money and the guilt of being the barrier between a true fan and the performer for no reason.
Well, have no fear – TWICKETS is here! It is a way to buy or sell spare tickets to gigs or events, but what makes it special is the rule that tickets can only change hands for their face value or less. That means the profiteering touts stay away and genuine fans get to recycle spares in good faith.
Users fill out the information through the app and submit it; to be made available to search through the app and posted to TWICKETS’ Twitter and Facebook followers. Users can search the app for tickets using filters such as event name, dates, type of event and location and contact the seller via a tweet generated by the app.
Of course, the efficacy of the app will depend upon how religiously the seller checks their Twitter feed (and of course, you’ll need a Twitter account to use the app), but given it’s a Twitter-based service; this should not pose as such a big problem.
However there is one slight problem – TWICKETS does not have room for mistakes.It doesn’t look like there’s any way to delete the TWICKETS post. Once you have made one, the only option appears to be to tweet the TWICKETS team, asking that the ticket not be approved/posted – and it takes a while to get through, due to a large influx of tweets. Still, it is way better than all those secondary sites that charge booking fees to do the same job.
The TWICKETS concept is beginning to challenge the business plans of secondary ticket sites where hundreds of tickets for big shows are marked up in price immediately after their sale at the box office, wherein people began to get sick of buying over – priced tickets.
Overall, TWICKETS seems like a service provided in good faith that allows people to buy and sell tickets for nothing more than the face value without any booking fees.