BBM stands for Blackberry Messenger, the flagship instant messaging app from Blackberry. It was primarily because of this app Blackberry was able to sustain a fair market share. Later, this app was rolled out for Android and iOS platforms as well, with some minor tweaks and compatibility restrictions.
According to recent news reports, Blackberry is set to release a new updated version of BBM called version 2.0 for users of Android and iPhone platforms. Apparently, Blackberry 10 users will get the same as BBM V10.3 update. BBM channels and BBM voice features were supposedly the most awaited upgrades of last year for Blackberry users. As stated by Blackberry officials, they have been discussing on adding features to BBM in 2014 for quite some time now. Today, they express happiness in being able to add some wonderful features to BBM for enthusiasts using it across different platforms. An excerpt from the official Blackberry Blog says that it will be released later today and it will enable users to chat and share with a whole new experience.
Voice calls – BBM brings the highly sought after BBM Voice feature to the users of Android and iPhone. It allows the user to make free calls to other BBM users over the internet. This is executable via a simple touch based user interface which further adds to the element of convenience.
BBM Channels – This feature update enables a BBM user to chat with another user on a topic of interest. The Channels in point includes a variety of topics ranging from hobbies, products, fashion, entertainment, sports, automobiles etc. New channels can be added depending upon the preferences of the discussing community at large. Channel administrators can set their privacy settings and schedule live chats at will. It will help in a establishing a more direct and convenient communication between people alike.
Glympse – This particular feature enables the user to share their location for a limited time period. They can set their own time bracket of sharing but it becomes private once the time’s over.
Dropbox – Dropbox is a famous cloud based app known for storing and sharing files with peers. The good news is, it has been integrated with the latest update of BBM and users on Android and iPhone will now be able to share files like images, voice notes, contacts etc. Users can directly send and share files from the cloud storage service whereas the receiver has both the options of either downloading the file or saving it in their Dropbox account.
Apart from the notable upgrades mentioned above, BBM has updated their group support to 50 users, i.e. unlike earlier; a BBM group can now accommodate 50 participants. 100 new types of fresh & expressive emoticons have been updated with this new addition.
All the activities indicate an active Blackberry move but only time will define the impact. In any case, loyalists and BBM users have more than a reason to rejoice.