Samsung has officially issued a recall for its Galaxy Note 7. Unfortunately, many users have not yet complied with that recall.
One of those users was a Florida man who left his Note 7 charging in his jeep – only to come back and find his car engulfed in flames.
As one writer said, “those who have yet to return their faulty Galaxy Note7 are literally playing with fire.”
The St. Petersburg, Florida man reportedly left his Note 7 inside his Jeep while unloading furniture. When he turned to the car, he found the devastating aftermath: his entire car was engulfed in flames.
Photos courtesy of Fox 13 News.
The burning jeep was just one incident making headlines across America. In another situation, a man from Horry County, South Carolina watched his garage catch on fire after he left his phone plugged in and charging for about an hour.
Firefighters traced that fire back to a wall outlet where the man’s Note 7 was charging. He had left his phone charging while he went to pick up his kids from school.
Ultimately, as of September 1, Samsung had reportedly experienced 35 Note 7 overheating issues around the world – but that number has clearly risen.
If you’re still one of the thousands of Note 7 users who haven’t taken action, then you’re going to want to do so very soon. You’re putting your personal safety and property at risk. This is a serious issue that is leading to major property damage around the world – Samsung is just lucky that no deaths have been linked to the overheating issue – at least not yet.
If you don’t take your Note 7 to an authorized retailer, then Samsung will likely send you a software update that forcibly restricts your battery life to less than 60%. The choice is easy.