Browsing: Android Apps

Feedly – The Savior of Google Reader Users

Feedly – The Savior of Google Reader Users

Since olden times, the responsiveness to demand and supply has been studied well by seasoned Android developers who have devised many a modern day marvel apps to revolutionize our daily lifestyle. Among these marvels emerges another strong new…

TweetDeck – Connecting Tweeple Closer

TweetDeck – Connecting Tweeple Closer

Tweeple, as we all know by now, is a term associated with people who belong to the ever-chirping social community known as Twitter. Twitter is a site that takes creativity to a new level but restricts ideas of people to 140 characters only. For…

PicsArt – Bring Out the Da Vinci in You

PicsArt – Bring Out the Da Vinci in You

As a citizen of this tech-savvy generation, it will come no surprise to you that Photoshop has dominated the image editing space for years now. But the story in the Android world is taking an interesting evolutionary step forward with its plethora…