Every day, smartphone users around the world make the switch to Android from iPhone or vice versa.
On most days, nobody cares about that switch. But when you’re a writer for Forbes.com, making the switch – and writing about it – is a pretty big deal.
That’s exactly what Forbes writer Patrick Moorhead recently did. Patrick has owned a number of iPhones and Androids over the years – so rest assured this is not a blind Apple fanboy talking about Android issues that don’t really exist.
Instead, this is an informed consumer and “tech guy” making an intelligent decision. And his reasoning is illuminating. Here’s why Mr. Moorhead decided to switch away from Android to the iPhone:
Display size
For years, one of the most visible, obvious benefits of Android was the larger screen size. That changed with the iPhone 6 generation. Moorhead said that once he “went big”, it was hard to go back – a feeling we all know well. In other words, going back to the iPhone wasn’t even a consideration until they built a bigger phone.
Content sharing
One overlooked improvement in iOS8 was with content sharing. Prior to iOS8, iPhone users could only share files to five different places, including Message, Mail, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr. iOS8 changed that, and now allows users to share just about anywhere (Google+ is the one exception). Aside from Google+, iOS8 users can share to Google Drive, OneDrive, MS Office Mobile, and they can even open web links in Chrome.
“My wife, two daughters and son and I have experienced no less than 6 shattered iPhones over the last few years.”
Meanwhile, he dropped his Samsung Galaxy Note 3 “no less than 30 times with no issue, not one crack.”
How clumsy is this guy that he’s dropping his phone 30 times a year and breaking 6 iPhones? I don’t know. But in any case, now that Apple wrapped the iPhone 6 Plus in aluminum, he doesn’t feel the need to use a case anymore.
Out of all the reasons on this list, I feel this is the weakest reason. I mean, the iPhone 6 Plus bends when it’s in your pocket. Given how clumsy this guy is, I don’t think he’ll last more than a few weeks without a broken iPhone.
Camera quality and editing
“I still believe Apple has the best overall camera experience.”
You can’t argue with the speed of the iPhone’s camera. It doesn’t have the highest resolution and the pictures usually don’t look that great on anything but an iPhone screen, but it’s a surprisingly good camera for 8MP.
NFC and payments
One of the reasons Moorhead first went to Android was for NFC. He was disappointed, however, by how much of a mess NFC was.
Sure, you could tap your phones together and share files, but nobody really does that. Yes, you’ve been able to “tap to pay” using Google Wallet for nearly a year. But in terms of widespread adoption, NFC was a mess on Android.
Moorhead believes Apple has a better chance of taking full advantage of NFC – even though they’ve locked down their NFC chip and are preventing anyone but Apple from accessing it.
What we can learn from this
Ultimately, Moorhead has owned a number of different iOS and Android devices over the years. He owned the very first iPhone and owned an iPhone until the iPhone 4S era, at which point he left for Android. Most recently, he owned a Galaxy Note 3, which he then swapped for an iPhone 6 Plus.
Moorhead ends his write-up by saying:
“I am very happy with my choice with the iPhone 6 Plus but am leaving the door open in the future, of course, for either a Samsung, HTC, Sony, LG, or Motorola to woo me back as their primary phone.”
So anyways, if you’re the kind of Android fan who always wonders how well-informed consumers can switch to the iPhone, then this article is a good read. Oh, and the same writer wrote an article two years ago where he explained why he was leaving the iPhone.