The Android rooting community continues to amaze me. About a week ago, news broke that Google was getting close to announcing the next version of Jelly Bean – specifically, Android 4.3. The only reason that news broke was because an Android fansite saw an Android 4.3 build in its visitor traffic logs.
Well, that tidbit of information and the accompanying firmware leak of Android 4.3 were enough for one talented Android programmer to root the latest version of the OS. That programmer is XDA Elite Recognized Developer ‘Chainfire’, who used his SuperSU rooting program to root Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.
The only phone that currently runs the leaked firmware of Android 4.3 is the Google Edition of the Galaxy S4. Apparently, rooting the new OS wasn’t exactly easy and it required “quite a few mods to SuperSU” to get the program to work. On the plus side, all features are working perfectly fine with the new root.
Anyways, if you own a Google Edition Galaxy S4 and you want to check out the latest version of Android, then you can download Android 4.3 from here and continue enjoying all the benefits of a rooted OS. Meanwhile, Google still hasn’t officially announced Jelly Bean 4.3.