Among some of the cons or disadvantages associated with the rooting process, the vulnerability of a rooted device to malicious apps and data theft has not been highlighted sufficiently enough. But it is a fact that a rooted gadget becomes more susceptible to such malware and security slips may occur that can compromise data.
The issue becomes all the more serious when this occurs in a corporate network. An enterprise can not afford to take the risk of their data getting stolen or accessed without permission.
Why This Can Happen?
It must be remembered that the Android OS is basically derived from Linux. Thus, there is some level of system access provided to users who are able to install apps from the Google Play Store and even change some settings on their own. However, they are unable to make any changes to the root system as each of the apps tends to run within its container and user ID. They are thus protected and are isolated from others as well as from malicious software.
But once somebody roots their device using manual or automated software, then they are able to get much more out of their gadget in terms of usability. They can now download any app and perform other operations that were otherwise restricted. They are able to totally remove bloatware that clog your Android device memory.
Messing Around Has Consequences
But this messing around with system root files and OS has its own perils. You might end up deleting an important system app and that could render the device useless. Allowing other apps to get access exposes the device to hackers and malware operators who have been known to develop apps that appear innocent but end up stealing data from the user gadget.
Once some malicious code is inserted or makes an entry into your Android phone, nothing stops it from deleting files, retrieving sensitive account data, or even installing root kits that cause havoc within the gadget. Many cyber criminals have admitted to developing such malware for this purpose.
The Silver Lining
The above scenario though grim has its silver lining. Fortunately, not all rooted devices are sitting ducks for malware. Many established rooting processes do have an inbuilt safety guard or program that enables the user to permit or deny any privileges to every new app that is about to be installed. The user thus is able to vet the app and as long as this is done diligently by the user, he or she would be able to protect her gadget from malware attacks to a great extent.
But one slip up would be enough to compromise security and that is why user diligence is most essential. The owner of rooted devices needs to also know the different threats existing or being introduced on a real time basis so that he does not allow suspicious or seemingly innocent apps to be installed on his device.