10 Thoughts About Android from a Former iPhone Addict

10 Thoughts About Android from a Former iPhone Addict

Every day, people switch from iPhone to Android. Some people also switch from Android to iPhone, but those people don’t make good storylines for an Android blog like One Click Root. Anyways, one Reddit user named u/Macchinario recently switched from an iPhone to a Nexus 4. The Nexus 4 is a relatively old Android device at this point in time, but Macchinario seems to appreciate his Nexus 4 and shared 10 thoughts with the r/Android community. Here are those 10 thoughts. The thoughts…

Bluetooth Toast Lets You Remotely Control your Bluetooth Toaster

Bluetooth Toast Lets You Remotely Control your Bluetooth Toaster

Ladies and gentlemen, the future is officially here. Thanks to a new Android app called Bluetooth Toast, you can control your Bluetooth-enabled toaster from the comfort of your Android handset. Bluetooth Toast was designed by a talented young Android programmer named William Wilks. You can see his video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LBSP-Fo644 The only thing this app won’t do is put your toast in the toaster and push the lever down. From there, the app does all the work…

Android 4.4.2 Disables ‘App Ops’: This Root-Only App Lets You Get It Back

Android 4.4.2 Disables ‘App Ops’: This Root-Only App Lets You Get It Back

App Ops was a popular Android feature that allowed users to enable or disable operations on a per-app basis. It was found in the stock Android settings menu and it was very useful for many users. For some strange reason, App Ops was disabled in Android 4.4.2. I guess Google removed App Ops because developers didn’t like the idea that users could control how their apps worked. Basically, Google was placing developer benefit over user benefit. Fortunately for you, one developer has…

Pre-Rooted Fairphone, the Phone That “Puts Social Values First”, Now Available to Order

Pre-Rooted Fairphone, the Phone That “Puts Social Values First”, Now Available to Order

The tech industry has some dirty secrets: electronics companies use cheap labor and resources in developing countries. They use these resources to make devices that the workers themselves could never afford. There’s nothing really wrong with that: it’s capitalism and an important part of a world with a free market system. But it does make some people uncomfortable – especially when you hear about things like suicide nets at Apple’s factories in China. Do you know where your…

Snapchat Finally Apologizes for December Data Leak, Lets Users Unlink Mobile Numbers

Snapchat Finally Apologizes for December Data Leak, Lets Users Unlink Mobile Numbers

Snapchat, the popular picture messaging app, has finally admitted that it screwed up. In December, Snapchat experienced a terrible data leak. Millions of Snapchat users – as many as 4.6 million – had their usernames and phone numbers leaked. Fortunately for users, it doesn’t appear that pictures or other data was leaked. In fact, according to all reports, it’s not possible for anyone to gain access to this data because Snapchat doesn’t permanently save it. Snapchat’s blog…

How to Instantly Remove Bloatware from Your Nexus 5

How to Instantly Remove Bloatware from Your Nexus 5

One of the biggest advantages of buying a Nexus 5 is being able to avoid bloatware. It’s a pure Android experience, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you avoid all Android bloatware. You see, Google has plenty of bloatware apps of its own, which is why many Nexus 5 owners look for ways to clean up their device. Removing bloatware from your Nexus 5 is easy. Today, we’re going to show you how to instantly remove bloatware from your Nexus 5 simply by running a script. That script…

How to Easily Control your Android’s Ring Volume With Smart N’ Loud

How to Easily Control your Android’s Ring Volume With Smart N’ Loud

Your phone’s ringer is an important part of your device. But when that ringer accidentally gets set to silent or too low, then you’re in big trouble. Well, not really. But changing your phone’s ringer can be a pain. Apps might try to set their own ring types, and changing notification settings around might cause your phone to beep during a text message but stay silent during a call. Today, I’m telling you about an app called smart N’ Loud that lets Android users easily control…

Top 5 Most Essential Apps for your Rooted Android

Top 5 Most Essential Apps for your Rooted Android

One of the weirdest parts about rooting Android is that your phone feels exactly the same before and after rooting. After rooting, your phone boots to the same homescreen and, at first glance, it appears that nothing has changed. Rooting won’t instantly change your device, but it will let you download apps that instantly change your device. Today, we’re going to tell you about the most important apps to download immediately after rooting your device. Whether you’ve just rooted…

8Tracks – Tune Into a Playlist Heaven For Satisfying Your Musical Needs

8Tracks – Tune Into a Playlist Heaven For Satisfying Your Musical Needs

What stems out of the best set of tracks from a compilation of the best music online comes the Android app for 8Tracks which gets its name majorly form the set of playlist that is has been customized exclusively for each of its listeners and for those who make it to the site. It also consists of 8 tracks that make up a coherent playlist; thus the name 8tracks, but there are many times that the number of songs do exceed the golden number 8 in the lists compiled by users. The 8Tracks Android…

How to to Find the Perfect Photocopier

How to to Find the Perfect Photocopier

Photocopiers are essential in a home office or in a fortune 500 company. While the latter may need a more sophisticated copier than the former, it is still important to know exactly what you are buying. With photocopiers, there are a plethora of functions that will ensure that the user is able to copy the way they want – and with a fast pace. These top 5 tricks will show you exactly how to find the perfect photocopier for your needs without going over your budget. 1. Know What You Need How…