How to Optimize Your S-Pen for a Better Galaxy Note Experience

How to Optimize Your S-Pen for a Better Galaxy Note Experience

If you’re a Galaxy Note user, then you’ve probably familiarized yourself with the S-Pen by now. The S-Pen stylus is an integral part of the Note experience. Although the S-Pen might look like a tiny, insignificant pen, there’s actually a fair bit of technology behind it. And if you want to get the most out of your Note or Note 2, then you should learn how to use that technology to its full potential. Today, we’re going to help you do just that. Use S Memo Lite to copy quick notes I…

How to Plan World Travel Using Google Now

How to Plan World Travel Using Google Now

Google Now is one of the biggest features included in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. And Google recently rolled out a new update that makes using Google Now more useful than ever before. The new update is specifically designed to make it easier for Android users to travel around the world. Using voice-activation and automated features, Google Now will tell you what the weather is like at your destination, for example. But instead of just telling you about the weather and letting you figure out the…

Android Jelly Bean Explodes Onto Android Devices Around the World

Android Jelly Bean Explodes Onto Android Devices Around the World

December is the month for gift-giving, and it looks like Android manufacturers and carriers are delivering some Jelly Bean-flavored gifts early this year. That’s right: Jelly Bean is now available on many Android devices around the world. Android 4.1 is now available on the Samsung Galaxy S III on most American and Canadian carriers, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Rogers, Bell, and Telus. If you want to upgrade your Galaxy S3 to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, then AT&T has published…

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie Inadvertently Confirmed by Google Employee

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie Inadvertently Confirmed by Google Employee

For months, the tech community has been abuzz with rumors that the next version of Android – Android 5.0 – would be called Key Lime Pie. Where did this rumor initially come from? Nobody knows. But apparently, that rumor wasn’t pure speculation, since a Google employee all but confirmed the name during a recent doodle drawing. You can see that doodle above. As you’ll notice, it shows how Android has progressed over time from Cupcake to Donut to Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb,…

How to Preserve Your Manufacturer Warranty Even After Rooting

How to Preserve Your Manufacturer Warranty Even After Rooting

Despite the limitations that accompany the Android devices that run the stock OS, the open-source design of the Android platform allows you to root your device and explore the wonders of fantastic root-only apps and intuitive custom ROMs which can transform your conventional smartphone into a turbo-powered smartphone. However, the price of earning the privilege of superuser access also brings the risk of voiding the manufacturer warranty of your Android device or worse, causing your device to…

Flurry of Samsung Rumors Hit the Internet, including 13MP S4 and 13.3-inch Galaxy Tablet

Flurry of Samsung Rumors Hit the Internet, including 13MP S4 and 13.3-inch Galaxy Tablet

It looks like Samsung is preparing itself for an exciting year in 2013. Today, a new flurry of rumors hit the internet covering everything from Samsung’s plans for the Galaxy smartphone to details about a lower-end Note II. These rumors state that Samsung’s upcoming line of products will be collectively known as Project J, which refers to the next generation of Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets. If these rumors are true, then the first Samsung J device would be the Galaxy S4, which…

How to Quickly Uninstall Any Android App

How to Quickly Uninstall Any Android App

We’ve all been there. You download an app from the Google Play Store, only to realize that it’s not the app you thought it would be. Instead of giving you a free game, the app just spits advertisements to your notification bar all day while offering an incredibly bad gaming experience. Or maybe you downloaded the $200 vuvuzela app and are so disgusted with yourself that you want to remove the app from your Android forever. Whatever the case may be, here’s how to quickly and easily…

$20 Android Tablet Now For Sale…In India

$20 Android Tablet Now For Sale…In India

The Android operating system offers a range of different tablet options to consumers. Android tablets range in price from around $150 to $1500. Or at least that’s what we thought. A new $20 Android tablet is taking the world by storm. That Android tablet is the Ubislate 7ci, also known as the Aakash2. Fortunately, those names weren’t chosen to appeal to American tablet users. Instead, they’re catered to Indian consumers, who are currently the only ones who can buy the Ubislate…

iOS Rises to The Top in U.S. Smartphone Market

iOS Rises to The Top in U.S. Smartphone Market

There have been plenty of news stories about Android’s dominance over the past year or so. The Samsung Galaxy S III has been outselling most Apple smartphones over the last few months, for example, and some studies peg Android market share at over 75% worldwide. But in spite of those news stories about Android’s popularity, it still hasn’t nudged out Apple for top spot in the U.S. mobile marketplace. Fuelled by strong sales of the iPhone 5, Apple continued to maintain its grasp of the…