The Essential FAQ for Android Marshmallow Users

The Essential FAQ for Android Marshmallow Users

If you already have the Marshmallow in your device or waiting eagerly for it, the following features will surely help you get the best out of this wonderful new OS. Your first question is the obvious one. What are the new features that differentiate it from Lollipop? a) Google Now on Tap is going to be the difference that you will like the most as it has the potential to become your digital assistant. Just tap and hold down the Home key to access contextual information that is relevant to…

Pixel C – The Hot New Lap-Tablet Device Everyone is Talking About

Pixel C – The Hot New Lap-Tablet Device Everyone is Talking About

After the smart phone, the tablet and phablet, it is the turn of the hybrid lap-tablet to make news. Google with its Pixel C is making waves after its earlier foray into plain laptops did not quite get the response they were hoping due to its exorbitant cost. Design and adjustments pretty flexible This hybrid has two parts, the tablet with the keyboard and both are clad in aluminum giving them a very rich and cute look. They can be attached to each other in 3 ways – either face to face so…

Why Google Must Promptly Fix the Delay In Android Upgrades Issue

The releases of Marshmallow and subsequent iterations have been announced by Google. However, Google has disappointed its users by not being able to stick to the dates it announced and there is still no Marshmallow in sight. Google has been reassuring users it is doing its best but time is of essence. Patience running out among users Android 5.1.1 is the OS that users are still stuck with, especially those who are uncomfortable with manually updating to the new OS. Though there is not much…

Google Now Poised to Become Your Android’s New Digital Concierge

Google Now Poised to Become Your Android’s New Digital Concierge

The Android OS has become one of the most sought after mobile platforms across the world with Google enjoying a market share of over 85%. Many have already pointed out the flexibility of the system, the abundance of wonderful apps, and the consistent stream of updates as the key reasons driving its success. One of the apps that merit mention is Google Now. When it was first launched, it was more than clear that it would hog attention of Android users and would go on to become immensely…

5 Cool Things to Do With the New Cortana for Android

5 Cool Things to Do With the New Cortana for Android

Cortana is one of the coolest features on Windows 10 and Windows Phone. Fortunately, Cortana was just released for Android and iOS users. Is Cortana worth a download? We’ll let you decide after telling you 5 cool things to do with it. What is Cortana? First, let’s give you a brief overview of Cortana. Cortana is Microsoft’s version of the personal assistant. Just like Apple has Siri and Android has Google Now, Microsoft platforms have Cortana. The Cortana app looks basically…

Official Galaxy S7 Images Leaked Online

Official Galaxy S7 Images Leaked Online

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is expected to be released sooner than any Galaxy S device in the past. Instead of debuting at MWC 2016, the Galaxy S7 may be on the market as early as January 2016. That’s why we’re getting some of the biggest Galaxy S7 rumors right now. This morning, news hit the internet of one of the biggest Galaxy S7 leaks to date. Uswitch and Onleaks posted images and videos this morning of what the Galaxy S7’s exterior case design could look like. In the video…

Google Makes It Difficult to Add Bloatware, But Is It Enough?

Google Makes It Difficult to Add Bloatware, But Is It Enough?

The issue of bloatware has bloated up to beyond tolerance with users recognizing the futility of having it on their devices and taking a toll on its performance. However, the nexus of smartphone manufacturers and app developers are far from getting rid of the virtual junk food they collectively cook up to serve to Android owner. And Google has been having a tough time trying to stop them. Absolute bloatware protection still not a guarantee Currently, it appears that you would be unable to…

How to Use Chrome’s New Data Saver Mode to Save 70% of your Data Usage

How to Use Chrome’s New Data Saver Mode to Save 70% of your Data Usage

Google introduced Chrome’s Data Saver mode back in 2013. Today, Data Saver mode is so effective that a new update lets the system save up to 70% of your data usage. How do you turn on Data Saver mode? Should you turn on Data Saver mode? Today, we’re going to explain everything you need to know about Data Saver mode. How to Turn on Data Saver Mode First, let’s start with an easy one. Turning on Data Saver mode is really easy. Here’s how to do it on Chrome for Android: Step 1)…

Windows Phone Internals Software Now Lets You Root your Lumia Smartphone

Windows Phone Internals Software Now Lets You Root your Lumia Smartphone

A new tool called Windows Phone Internals that lets you easily root many Lumia smartphones – even if you know nothing about rooting. It’s been called “One Click Root for Windows Phone” and it actually does a lot more than just root. Windows Phone Internals lets you unlock the bootloader on most recent Microsoft Lumia smartphones (only works with phones running Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile operating systems). Current devices supported by the tool include all of the…

Google Updates Google Fit and Launches Android Pay In US

Google Updates Google Fit and Launches Android Pay In US

Fitness is a buzzword among all age groups that never quite stops buzzing. And for good reason. After all, health is wealth. And with high end technology at hand to track and supervise your fitness routines, it becomes all the more convenient. Google after coming out with its fitness app earlier on has gone ahead and updated Google Fit. This exciting new feature will enable users of Android devices including Smart Wear to track and have real time statistics for their physical activities. You…