Browsing: Android Apps

4 Best 8-Bit Pixel-Art Games on Android

4 Best 8-Bit Pixel-Art Games on Android

60% of the reason why you buy a phone is to play games, and that’s the truth. Playing games on Android has become rampant. Even girls and our parents who hated video games 10 years ago are now playing with us. This is mainly because games today…

5 Best Android Apps to Customize Your Phone

5 Best Android Apps to Customize Your Phone

Your phone’s interface is probably already cool, but there are just some features that don’t fit your style. If there’s any way to remove it or change it the way you like, you would. Thankfully, Android has made it easy for us to customize…

Top 5 Best Sports Apps for Android

Top 5 Best Sports Apps for Android

If we have the time and money, and literally divide our body multiple times, we can watch all our favorite sports in the world in live action. How we wish we could watch all the world’s sports competition and interact with our favorite players…