Avast – One of the Best Free Mobile Security Solutions for Android

Avast – One of the Best Free Mobile Security Solutions for Android

With the increase in the use of the internet, it is obvious that the good and the bad of the internet are bound to increase as well. Till some time back, acquiring viruses was just a desktop and a laptop problem but ever since our phones have become smart, they are at a higher risk of getting dumb through viruses. Ironic, I know but the smarter our phones will get, the more vulnerable they will be to lose their genius. To make sure that that does not happen, we need to take protective…

Glooko – Making Diabetes Easy to Handle

Glooko – Making Diabetes Easy to Handle

Diabetes is more common than we think it is. Diabetes is also more dangerous than we think it is. When someone hears the word diabetes, they just assume that the solution to this disease is merely avoiding sweets and anything that contains sugar. While that is true, it is only a fraction of the solution. Diabetes is not just getting an extremely high sugar level, diabetes is what follows after one’s sugar level shoots up when they take a high amount of sugar, or even a low amount - it all…

Otosense – An Empowering App for the Differently Abled

Otosense – An Empowering App for the Differently Abled

While we take our five senses for granted, there are people out there who are not fortunate enough to lead a life as easily as we do because one or more of their sense does not function like ours does. While it should not make them lose out on anything, yet, theirs is a life which is a little different than ours, and the challenges of their life almost always outweigh ours. Whenever we see differently abled people, our natural instinct is to help them out. But the truth is that we cannot…

Asphalt 8: Airborne Review

Asphalt 8: Airborne Review

No matter how fabulous or dull our day gets, one always needs some escape route. For some it could be watching a movie, watering the plants, baking, reading a novel and of course, playing video games. All of us have that inner child that needs to play games in our busy lives of working and paying taxes. There is no better way of forgetting the daily responsibilities and just letting the child in us go wild. But, yes, like everything else, even this has a but (no pun intended), we might have…

Choose This Not That – Taking Up Arms Against Breast Cancer

Choose This Not That – Taking Up Arms Against Breast Cancer

While breast cancer, or in fact, any kind of cancer, was a disease that rendered one helpless earlier, it has become much more common now. Maybe it was common then as well but just lacked detection or maybe our increasingly unhealthy lifestyle has made us more prone to breast cancer. But as the times have changed and technology has developed, cancer is far less fatal as it used to be. If detected at the right time, it can be cured. But this detection is preceded by our awareness of our bodies…

Android’s Enriched Material Design Set to Blend Well With Linux

Android’s Enriched Material Design Set to Blend Well With Linux

Android is already having a great run enjoying a market share of over 80%. Its latest Lollipop version with the Material Design has been received well. That is not all though. A new operating system based on the very flexible Linux has now been proposed and this would have a lot of the Lollipop Material Design specifications. Material Design Makes It Possible If you are wondering as to how a desktop platform can accommodate the Android one, which is a mobile platform, then you only have to…

Android Apps Being Sneakily Installed By Carriers On User Devices

Android Apps Being Sneakily Installed By Carriers On User Devices

The exponential growth of smart phones over the last couple of years has been good news for carriers. They have been able to make a lot of money from their routine data services offered as either bundled packages or stand alone. They have also been smart in subtly influencing users to try out pre-loading apps that they introduced. The maximization of revenue through a host of apps such as navigation, video services, downloading of music and various others has helped them a lot. Typically, most…

App Crashes and Manual Sync Button Bugs Plague Devices of Android Lollipop Users

App Crashes and Manual Sync Button Bugs Plague Devices of Android Lollipop Users

The Android Lollipop is here and brings with it bugs that we thought Google would have ironed out before its launch. After all, the hype and anticipation before the release suggested this to be the perfect OS after a long time and expectations were naturally high. However, even before its launch, Google had to deal with the battery draining issue that delayed the roll out and now that it is out, users are encountering other issues as well. To be fair to Google, some of these issues would…

Android’s Dominance Over the Smartphone Business Gets Firmer

Android’s Dominance Over the Smartphone Business Gets Firmer

The good times of Android are likely to continue into the future as per the firm IDC. Though the frenetic growth of smartphones is no longer the same, Android shipments are expected to cross the 1.05 billion mark this year. This will give Google a whopping 82% of the market share and with Apple a distant second at 14% and with only 178 million shipments and Windows at a 2.7% market share having sold only 35 million pieces, Google really has nothing much to worry about. Alternative OS…

Babybump Pregnancy – The Virtual Babysitter To Your Unborn Child

Babybump Pregnancy – The Virtual Babysitter To Your Unborn Child

While there are multiple apps for regular health and fitness, however, there is special care of health required during pregnancy. Thus, following your regular routine is not advisable because you might be a daredevil otherwise but when you are carrying a child, you need to be extra careful about everything, starting from your diet to the kind of exercises you do. Thus, to help you with this is an app called Babybump Pregnancy which is a comprehensive pregnancy app that keeps soon-to-be…