TouristEye – For Those Struck By Wanderlust

TouristEye – For Those Struck By Wanderlust

There are so many of us who have a traveler’s soul. We want to earn money just so that we can spend it all on travel. A lot of us have even done that. We earned, saved and spend it all on traveling the world. It is fun to get the opportunity to know different people, different cultures, and different cuisines, the way other people live, how beautiful other cities are, what their festivals are and how they celebrate the ones that we do. Getting to know a bit of their language, understanding…

5 Cool Things To Do Now That You Upgraded to Android Lollipop

5 Cool Things To Do Now That You Upgraded to Android Lollipop

If you have got the Android Lollipop on your phone and once you are through exploring the visuals, there are some cool things you can now try with it on your smart phone as under: a) Set up Bluetooth This is to ensure your phone stays unlocked to be able to get smooth access to a trusted Bluetooth device. To do that ensure that you have an automatic locking screen mechanism set up initially such as a PIN so that your phone secures itself when there is no Bluetooth device. Then get to…

Snapchat Introduces Snapcash, Letting Users Send Money to Each Other in Seconds

Snapchat Introduces Snapcash, Letting Users Send Money to Each Other in Seconds

Snapchat just unveiled a feature that lets users send cash to each other with the click of a button. Yes, it’s called “Snapcash”. Snapchat announced the news via blog post and even released some bizarre, quasi-holiday themed video: I really regret watching that video right before going to bed. “You can connect your card and it will be stored securely for future transactions” Snapchat is building this system to be ridiculously…

U.S. Government Warns iPhone Users About Critical iOS Vulnerability

U.S. Government Warns iPhone Users About Critical iOS Vulnerability

It seems like it was just yesterday that Apple promised users their devices were not affected by bugs, viruses, and other “PC problems”. Those days are long in the past. A recent vulnerability in iOS is so serious that the U.S. government weighed in on the matter. The vulnerability can be exploited using something called the Masque Attack, the American government said in an online bulletin posted at its Computer Emergency Readiness Team blog. The vulnerability was discovered by a…

Line – Let’s Never Stay Out of Touch

Line – Let’s Never Stay Out of Touch

Whether we meet personally or not, staying in touch with our near and dear ones is very important. And the way we can stay in touch with people far, far away has never been as easy and cheap as it is today. And we have the technology gods to thank (also known as humans) for this convenience. The world truly is becoming a global village because interacting on a global scale never reached such heights. Ever since apps have come into existence, our world has turned upside down, in a good way. But…

Mobogenie Market Free – An App Guru For Your Android Device

Mobogenie Market Free – An App Guru For Your Android Device

In a world where the number of apps looks like it will soon give competition to the number of people on this planet a few years down the line, it can be rather overwhelming to figure out which is app fits the bill and which ones are mediocre clones. All of them seem to be good according to some review, but the very next review we stumble upon contradicts the former and tells us that that the app is overrated. Abundance might be better than scarcity, but abundance has the potential to lead to…

Android and Windows Phone Reign Supreme At Annual Pwn2Own Event

Android and Windows Phone Reign Supreme At Annual Pwn2Own Event

Pwn2Own is an annual hacking conference that brings together some of the world’s best exploit-seeking brains. Every year, Pwn2Own makes headlines around the tech community. Devices that people thought were unhackable get hacked, and there’s always a surprising platform that withstands being attacked by some of the world’s best hackers. This year’s Pwn2Own conference brought us some surprising results. Android and Windows Phone are making major headlines for withstanding a…

Android One Report Card – Things Not Looking Bright In India’s Smartphone market

Android One Report Card – Things Not Looking Bright In India’s Smartphone market

Android One was launched with a lot of anticipation by Google in an attempt to broad base the OS among the masses in emerging markets. The idea was to provide an affordable package of handset plus the OS such that users get to experience stock Android. Google has recognized the issues caused by fragmentation over the past 3 years and by committing to send updates directly, it hoped to bypass the laxity and delays associated with OEMs rolling out the updates. Google launched the Android One…

5 Reasons Why Every Android Fanboy Will Happily Continue Riding the Bandwagon

5 Reasons Why Every Android Fanboy Will Happily Continue Riding the Bandwagon

The battle for supremacy and popularity rages on between the iOS and Android community. While it is ultimately the choice of the user as to which platform is good or suitable for him, this write up focuses on  key aspects that gives Android the edge over the iOS. So without further ado, let's get started: a) The first aspect is choice. Today, you can buy an Android smart phone from a plethora of choices you have and each has its own features that the user can compare and then decide. While…

Gravity Screen – Smarten Up Your Smartphones A Little

Gravity Screen – Smarten Up Your Smartphones A Little

Even though smart phones are, well, smart and have made our lives much easier in ways we did not realize we could be helped with, there are still some things that might be small things but can get annoying if had to be done repeatedly, like turning on and off your device repeatedly. If you are tired off your device only for a second, if your lock key is hard to reach, if your power button is broken then an app called the Gravity Screen can solve these issues by liberating you from the usage of…