Nexus 6 & Nexus 8 with Android L Promise a Redefined Smartphone Experience

Nexus 6 & Nexus 8 with Android L Promise a Redefined Smartphone Experience

Future Nexus 6 and Nexus 8 handset users are in for a great user experience. This is thanks to both these devices running on the new Android L platform after their release. The Material Design of the Android L is expected to dramatically enhance search performance and analysts believe this design was conceived specifically keeping mobile gadgets in mind. This design came about after users of earlier Nexus versions complained of a number of issues pertaining to Android Kit Kat versions 4.4.3 and…

Half of Most Popular Android apps Inherit Security Vulnerabilities From Reused Code

Half of Most Popular Android apps Inherit Security Vulnerabilities From Reused Code

It is all very nice and great to have the latest smart phone with premium features and of course, the Android platform driving it. After all, the many scores of apps on the Google Play Store and other repositories provide you with access to games and other utilities, virtually free of cost. With apps being added even as you read this, such availability of never ending stream of apps does make owning an Android smart phone or for that matter a Windows one a very exciting and tempting…

Are Factory Resets Really Safe On Your Android Phone?

Are Factory Resets Really Safe On Your Android Phone?

The fact about smart phones becoming a part of our daily lives is no longer in dispute. Manufacturers – both branded and local are falling over each other to make the best of smart phone technology available to the hungry consumer. Whether it is in screen size, camera quality or processing power, you now can pick and choose from a plethora of models and brands. What is more encouraging is the fall in prices. This coupled with mobile internet plans also becoming affordable have fueled the…

Samsung Releases Impressive Commercial Video Filmed Entirely With a Galaxy S5

Samsung Releases Impressive Commercial Video Filmed Entirely With a Galaxy S5

The Galaxy S5 has an impressive camera. That’s no secret. Samsung has always made sure its flagship phones have high-quality cameras. On the S5, Samsung took the camera to the next level. The camera is capable of filming 4K video, shooting at 60 fps, and doing neat tricks like HDR and slow-motion. Samsung recently showcased its S5 camera in a commercial video. That video, released today, is 1.5 minutes of beautiful, high-definition…

5 Reasons Why An Android Geek Should Consider Buying a Smartwatch

5 Reasons Why An Android Geek Should Consider Buying a Smartwatch

Like it or not, the smartwatch revolution is here. Most major manufacturers have released or are actively developing a smartwatch. After years of speculation, people can finally walk around with a James Bond-style device on their wrist. But many Android fanboys are totally ambivalent to smartwatches. They don’t care about having a smartphone on their wrist when they already have one in their pocket. Should you get a smartwatch? Here are 5 reasons why Android geeks like yourself are…

New Android 4.4.4 & Android 4.4.3 Kit Kat Update Details Emerge

New Android 4.4.4 & Android 4.4.3 Kit Kat Update Details Emerge

The Google Android platform is a smash hit across the world and has emerged as the leading OS adopted by smartphone manufacturers. The penetration of smart phones and their increasing numbers sporting this platform is sufficient proof. Google has been careful and innovative to keep upgrading this platform with versions from time to time. We have seen the Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and now the Kit Kat versions doing reasonably well with most consumers happy with the platform and the apps…

Android 4.4.4 Kit Kat Problems Frustrating Many Users

Android 4.4.4 Kit Kat Problems Frustrating Many Users

Google has been trying hard to make the Android Platform for smart phones work smoothly and provide that enriched experience to its consumers. It has been steadfastly working on improvements and has been coming out with a series of updates to each of its versions starting from the Ice Cream Sandwich days to the Jelly Bean and now to the Kit Kat versions. Users have welcomed these updates and have experienced the benefits accruing out of them. Updates not solving problems and bringing new ones…

6 Hidden Android Features for Business Purposes

6 Hidden Android Features for Business Purposes

The unprecedented success of the smart phone owes a lot to the business tools and apps facilitated by operating systems like the Android. People are thrilled to carry out normal business activities on the go and are no longer constrained by location or space. Android has been the engine behind the tremendous popularity of smart phones through its apps. But there are also other business tools within Android that you must know as under: 1) Printing With the advent of the 4.4 version of…

8 Things That You Will Notice When You Shift from Windows Phone to Android

8 Things That You Will Notice When You Shift from Windows Phone to Android

Change is always difficult and when you have to change or adapt to a different technology, it is all the more challenging. We are all generally creatures of routine and most of us are not very enthusiastic to rock the boat. I was more adventurous 3 years back when I changed to a Windows Phone and the first month was pretty tough. But after using it for more than 2 years now and after experiencing two huge updates, I am quite happy I undertook that change. Now I have switched back to Android…

5 Things Windows Phone Does Right that Android Does Wrong

5 Things Windows Phone Does Right that Android Does Wrong

For most people, switching from Windows Phone to Android is a joyous experience. There are plenty of apps to download and a diverse range of phones from which to choose. But for some people, the grass is always greener on the other side. Such was the case with Phandroid writer Joe Fedewa who complained about a number of Android faults after switching from Windows Phone 8.1 Joe, for what it’s worth, was initially an Android user who became a Windows Phone user three years ago. Then, Joe…