Nokia Releases Crazy Video of Developer Publishing App While Paragliding Over Rio

Nokia Releases Crazy Video of Developer Publishing App While Paragliding Over Rio

Nokia is trying to make its app store a worthy competitor to Google’s Play Store. In order to do that, it has to attract developers. That’s why Nokia came up with the creative Xtreme Coding Challenge, where developers are challenged to show themselves publishing apps to the Nokia store in extreme conditions. So far, we’ve seen one extremely memorably entry: a developer went hangliding over Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and found the time to publish an app while he was in the…

Samsung Once Again Makes Fun of iPhone Users With New “Wall Huggers” Commercial

Samsung Once Again Makes Fun of iPhone Users With New “Wall Huggers” Commercial

If there’s one thing Android fanboys love to do, it’s making fun of Apple fanboys. Whether you call them iSheep or Apple fanatics, few of us agree with their choice of smartphone. Samsung loves trolling Apple. Sometimes, Samsung trolls Apple with its expert defense of silly patent lawsuits. In other cases, Samsung trolls Apple with funny commercials. After the success of its “Next Big Thing” lineup of advertisements, Samsung has decided to take Apple trolling one step further…

VLC Beta Released for Android

VLC Beta Released for Android

VLC for Android is finally here! Sorta. VLC for Android has released its first beta. Nearly two years after the VLC app was first announced, VLC is finally making its way onto the world’s most popular mobile operating system. VLC, in case you didn’t already know, lets you play any video file or format without downloading expensive codecs or complex software programs. It’s lightweight, free, and extremely easy-to-use. You can download the VLC beta from here. It’s currently…

Collect All Your Favorite Music In One Place With Mixcloud

Collect All Your Favorite Music In One Place With Mixcloud

Music apps are available in abundance across both the iOS and Android platforms. Each app flaunts a diverse set of core features; however, only a few manage to become trend setters and offer something that truly brings some new value to you. The mainstream music apps available do eat up a considerable chunk of the market and leave but little space for new contenders to challenge them. But every once in a while, there comes along a unique app that blazes through the app market and offers…

Enhance Your Medical Knowledge With Visual Anatomy

Enhance Your Medical Knowledge With Visual Anatomy

One can fairly say it is imperative for each of us to know at least a little bit about how the inside of a human body looks like and what keeps it ticking. However, it is absolutely critical for students who aspire to pursue a career in the medical industry to have a flawless understanding of it. And to facilitate that very objective, the Visual Anatomy application promises to the portable enlightenment you need regarding all your body’s key internal organs. Whether you’re a medical…

2 Fantastic Photo Editing Apps For Your Android Device

2 Fantastic Photo Editing Apps For Your Android Device

The Android app world certainly faces no shortage of photo editing apps that keep the ever-growing community of photography enthusiasts constantly engaged and excited. However, there are only a handful of photo editing and camera effects apps that actually live up to the hype and give you proper bang for your buck. So let us take a look at two Android photo editing apps that are beloved by shutterbugs worldwide and offer some really cool features. Cymera Cymera is everything you needed in…

Spacebug’s Meditation Apps Help You Get the Inner Peace You Deserve

Spacebug’s Meditation Apps Help You Get the Inner Peace You Deserve

The origins of mediation started from the ancient past and the Buddha gave it great impetus. The world started to get to know about it slowly and today it is well accepted as a widespread phenomenon. Spacebug in its efforts to spread the power of inner peace amongst Android users around the world has created the following two meditation apps. Buddhist Meditation Trainer This app is designed on simple principles of playing meditational music that calms the senses. The music reaches the deep…

HIIT Interval Training Timer – An App That Supervises Your Sports Training Routines

HIIT Interval Training Timer – An App That Supervises Your Sports Training Routines

Sports training facilities and world class gymnasiums have a long history of being breeding grounds for champion athletes. With professional trainers and high-end equipment at their disposal, it’s not hard to see why these athletes perfect their skills and go on to do great things. Unfortunately, these amazing facilities may not be feasible for casual fitness enthusiasts or affordable for athletes with poor finances. Luckily, the inception of the ingenious and nifty HIIT Interval Training…

Tango – Revitalize Your Smartphone’s Communication System

Tango – Revitalize Your Smartphone’s Communication System

Over the years, communication methods have undergone a drastic paradigm shift where we have seen the rise and fall of several communication solutions. Computer applications, device manufacturers and telephone companies have all come together at some point of time to try and work towards the common goal of improving communication. The Tango smartphone application takes a step forward from the regular Whatsapp and BBM communication tools used most commonly by people these days. It creates a…

3 Health Apps to Help You Get the Fitness Model Physique You Dreamed Of

3 Health Apps to Help You Get the Fitness Model Physique You Dreamed Of

As work hours get more intensive and performance expectations increase, stress becomes an inevitable challenge in our lifestyle. The real challenge is to calm it down before it can become a calamity to your body and mind. Evolution hasn’t equipped us to stagnate ourselves on the computer chair for 20 hours a day and live off coffee and chips. Exercise is quintessential to our well-being and helps keep our internal engines running smoothly by alleviating all the stress that has been plaguing…