How to Connect your Xbox 360 Controller to Android to Play Unsupported Games

How to Connect your Xbox 360 Controller to Android to Play Unsupported Games

Any Android handset running Android 4.0+ can handle an Xbox 360 controller. Users can connect the Xbox 360 controller to their device using an OTG cable and control many of their favorite games using the world’s most popular controller. But unfortunately, not all Android games support the Xbox 360 controller (or any third party controllers). These games want you to use the clunky touch screen controls that are bundled with Android games by default. That means no PlayStation controller and…

Fotor – A Photo-Editing Champion App In The Making

Fotor – A Photo-Editing Champion App In The Making

A savvy photography-centric company recently introduced a cool photo-editing masterpiece of an Android app named Fotor. Amongst the multitude of photo-editing apps that populate the Android app market, Fotor is arguably enjoying one of the most successful campaigns to the top of the charts on Google Play Store. So What Is Fotor All About? Fotor presents itself with easy to use, intuitive and highly customizable features that both novice and experienced Android users can pick up instantly. The…

How to Fix Excessive Data Usage On CyanogenMod 10

How to Fix Excessive Data Usage On CyanogenMod 10

If you recently rooted your Android and installed the popular custom rom CyanogenMod 10, then you may have noticed a data usage problem. Specifically, users of CM10.1.0 RC3 are reporting excessive data usage when they check the Data Usage screen. And when I say ‘excessive data usage’, I’m not talking about a few megabytes over your monthly limit. Apparently, users who usually use a few hundred megabytes a month checked their data screen to find a situation like the one shown above,…

New Video Discovery App Vodio Helps You Find Better YouTube Videos

New Video Discovery App Vodio Helps You Find Better YouTube Videos

Obviously, YouTube is the most popular video website in the world for a reason. But there are some things I don’t like about YouTube, and its video recommendation system is one of those things. That’s a problem that a video discover app called Vodio seeks to solve. Vodio was released onto iOS last year and was recently released for free onto the Google Play Store. The app uses a special algorithm to identify videos that it thinks you, the user, would like. Here’s how Vodio…

Next CyanogenMod Update Will Include Incognito Mode for All Apps

Next CyanogenMod Update Will Include Incognito Mode for All Apps

Google Chrome’s Incognito Mode is one of the browser’s most popular features. With a simple keystroke of Shift+Ctrl+N, you can open a browser window that will save none of your information, including cookies, history, and cache data, after it’s been closed. We all know what Incognito Mode is mostly used for. But now, the popular feature looks like it will be integrated into the next version of Android’s most popular custom ROM. That’s right: CyanogenMod will add Incognito Mode to…

WiFi Tether App for Rooted Android Receives First Update in a Year; Adds S4 Support

WiFi Tether App for Rooted Android Receives First Update in a Year; Adds S4 Support

Over 1.5 million Android users have installed the Wi-Fi Tether App for Root Users, making it one of the most popular rooted Android apps available in the world today. Well, if there’s one fault with the WiFi Tether app it’s the fact that it is rarely updated. In fact, until today, the Wi-Fi Tether app had not been updated in nearly an entire year – which is eons in the world of mobile apps. Today, the new WiFi Tether app update adds the following features: -Added Samsung Galaxy…

Wow, the Next Generation of Mobile Games Looks Really Good

Wow, the Next Generation of Mobile Games Looks Really Good

E3 is the biggest gaming convention of the year. In 2013, the convention was dominated by Sony, Microsoft, and EA Games, all of which announced some pretty big things. But mobile gaming is bigger today than ever before, and there were a number of mobile developers happily showing off their wares at E3. These next-gen games were unlike any mobile games the world has seen before, with the most noticeable improvement being the phenomenal graphics capabilities available on today’s mobile…

Apple’s New iOS7 Looks Suspiciously Like Android

Apple’s New iOS7 Looks Suspiciously Like Android

For years, Apple has accused its tech rivals of copying the company’s hardware and software. Apple has even gone so far as to sue companies for billions of dollars. Well, it looks like the tables have turned. At the recent Apple WorldWide Developers’ Conference (WWDC), Apple revealed iOS7, the latest version of its mobile operating system for the iPhone and iPad. Interestingly enough, iOS7 marks a change away from the classic Apple iOS interface – which hasn’t changed since the…

World’s Most Advanced Android Malware Discovered – Here’s Why Your Android Could Be Its Next Victim

World’s Most Advanced Android Malware Discovered – Here’s Why Your Android Could Be Its Next Victim

It’s no secret that Android malware is growing at an incredibly fast pace – and it’s no secret that Android users around the world are starting to care. Today, Android antivirus software is more popular than ever. Well, if you haven’t already installed Android antivirus software, you may want to soon. Antivirus software industry leader Kaspersky recently discovered a new Android malware that is more advanced than anything previously encountered by the mobile antivirus…

How to Make Android Track Every Step You Take Throughout the Day

How to Make Android Track Every Step You Take Throughout the Day

Pedometers are popular among fitness enthusiasts and curious people. Pedometers track the steps you take throughout the day and tell you how many calories were burned while taking those steps. Today, a new Android app called Noom Walk Pedometer aims to add a new social experience to the pedometer scene. Walk isn’t the first Android pedometer on the market today, but it aims to be the first one people think about when they’re looking for fitness apps to install. Here’s how Walk…