An Easy Guide to Rooting An Android Lollipop Phone (Moto X)

An Easy Guide to Rooting An Android Lollipop Phone (Moto X)

The warping speed of the advancing technology has given rise to Lollipop, that is, Android Version 5.0. It is always a good thing when the next best thing is ready for us to update on our devices and make them faster but for those of us who like to have complete freedom to do anything and everything on our devices, and happen to own a Motorola Moto X then you have chanced upon the perfect article because this article contains the way you can root your Motorola Moto X with Lollipop! Excited?…

iPad Sales Suffer Twelve Percent Drop While Demand for Android Tablets Skyrockets

iPad Sales Suffer Twelve Percent Drop While Demand for Android Tablets Skyrockets

Apple for probably the first time in many years is experiencing a drop in sales of one of its prime products – the iPad. Data suggests that the drop in iPad sales is to the extent of 12%. This drop is all the more of concern for Apple given the fact that the tablet market is growing, though by not as much as it did in the period 2011-2013. The growth this year of the tablet market has been over 7% and its competitor Google has been able to capture a larger market share selling tablets running…

Screen Standby – The App That Lets Your Android Breathe Even When The Screen is Off

Screen Standby – The App That Lets Your Android Breathe Even When The Screen is Off

A couple if days back I was scrolling through my Facebook page and came across a meme that one of my friends had posted stating that he would start believing in the power of technology the day a YouTube video does not automatically turn off as soon as one switches off the phone screen. Although that was just a joke, yet, it would be incredible if that happens because one of the major benefits of it would be the saving up of a lot of power. Therefore, this article is for that friend of mine,…

The Ultimate Rooting Thesaurus for Newbie Android Users

The Ultimate Rooting Thesaurus for Newbie Android Users

While a lot of people are opting to root their android devices to make their device their own in the true sense of the word, there are a lot of terms that you might have come across or must have read in articles and heard about, the meaning of which you might or might not know. Or maybe you roughly know what they mean but are a little confused about their exact meanings. Have no fear, because this article will tell you what some of these frequently used rooting terms mean so that you…

SD Maid – The Special Cleanser for Rooted Android Devices

SD Maid – The Special Cleanser for Rooted Android Devices

While we are quite used to cleaning our own mess because house help is really not affordable at all and have been growing up learning how to fix things, clean things, take care of things and such, there are, however, certain things that we cannot do ourselves and have to call an expert and part with a good amount of money. If there is a short-circuit or broken furniture or plumbing, we need to call a professional and all these facilities turn out to be pretty expensive. Well, it is what it is…

6 Awesome Advantages of Rooting Your Android Device

6 Awesome Advantages of Rooting Your Android Device

You have your Android smart phone with you and feel you have the best device that you can now enjoy. But you read about a process called ‘rooting’ and how it can transform that device into something much better and you wonder if you should go down that route. Well you may provided you can accord a certain degree of commitment, are a bit tech savvy and are willing to take the risk of your device hanging up on you, which would in turn deprive you of the warranty benefits as well. So…

Rooting Android – Digging Deeper Into Your Device’s Hidden Potential

Rooting Android – Digging Deeper Into Your Device’s Hidden Potential

There is no doubt about the customization and other flexibility features that the Android platform offers the user. However, due to some overenthusiastic OEMs and handset manufacturers, you have a scenario where you are unable to get the best out of your phone and are stuck with software, skins as well as other restrictions that come preloaded. What Is The Way Out Then? Well, you can get to the root of the problem through a process called ‘rooting’. This involves getting access to the…

To Root Or Not To Root – The Dilemma of Android Users

To Root Or Not To Root – The Dilemma of Android Users

Once you are aware of the process of rooting and the advantages you can get out of it, the decision of whether you need to go ahead with it or not can be a perplexing one. It all depends on what you seek out of it and how you intend to make use of the various benefits associated with it. A lot also depends on how tech savvy you are and if you are okay with the risk of voiding your device warranty at the end of the process. The Various Apps Make It Worthwhile It needs to be mentioned that some…

Network Log – Because The Backstage Is a Mighty World of its Own

Network Log – Because The Backstage Is a Mighty World of its Own

While some of us are happy with watching what all happens on stage, there are a few who are more curious about the backstage happenings. Some of us are satisfied with how things are, others want to know why those things are the way they are. Some of us love a scene while some of us wait fro the scene to get over so that we can rush to what is happening behind the scenes. If you are someone who loves the internet but not because of what it is but because of why it is what it is and are…

5 Android Widgets Fans Can’t Stop Raving About

5 Android Widgets Fans Can’t Stop Raving About

Android apps are very popular and even as this is being written, some app or the other is being developed and released on the Play Store. The fact that many of them are free to use is the icing on the cake for early users of this platform as they would like to experiment and try them out. But cluttering the home screen with just apps may not be the right way to use your Android. There are a number of Android widgets too that you need to use and here are 5 of them you would love to adorn your…