Hyped Games for 2018

Hyped Games for 2018

Mobile gaming for Android has really taken off and took the gaming community by storm this 2017. From indie game developers to triple-A game producers all had their share to make the mobile gaming scene busting with activity throughout the year. Some may have peaked its respective popularity while some have flopped and had been tagged as total let downs but overall this year has been great. Now that we’re at the year’s end, we’ll bring out a list of some of the games will be looking…

Upcoming Android Phones

Upcoming Android Phones

2018 is just around the corner, and with the new year near at hand new stuff is about to be revealed and all. One of this new stuff we’re expecting to see are new Android phones from today’s best Phone manufacturers. Here are some new phones that we can hype about and save up for in 2018. Three new Google Pixel Phones are expected to arrive this October of 2018. One of them is said to be poised to rival the iPhone X. These new Google Pixel Phones which are going to run on the yet to be…

Extending your Android phone’s battery

Extending your Android phone’s battery

Android phones are probably the best and most common companion we can’t bear to be without today. It has all the convenient tools we need to cope and deal with today’s highly technological world. It doesn’t only serve as a communication device but also serves as a web surfing means, entertainment and mobile gaming hub, moment capture device and so much more. But due to our Android device’s numerous functions, it’s battery life seems to drain faster, some even at a very fast rate…

By | Posted on December 19, 2017 | Comments Off on Extending your Android phone’s battery

Google is Cracking Down on Android Apps That Gathers User Information Without Permission

Google is Cracking Down on Android Apps That Gathers User Information Without Permission

It’s no surprise that some apps are collecting its users’ data without users’ permission. Google, already aware of the issue, has made an announcement that they are planning to crack down on Android apps which fail to inform users when they are gathering personal information about the users. The tech giant gives the app developers 60 days to sort out their issues and update all their apps with notifications of their full practices. Google claimed that it will take it upon itself to warn…

By | Posted on December 19, 2017 | Comments Off on Google is Cracking Down on Android Apps That Gathers User Information Without Permission

New ParseDroid Vulnerability Threatens Android App Developers

New ParseDroid Vulnerability Threatens Android App Developers

A new vulnerability has been found known as “ParseDroid”. This vulnerability affects development tools that are used by Android app developers which will allow hackers to steal files and execute some malicious code on the compromised machines. Security researchers from an Israeli firm Check Point were the ones who discovered ParseDroid. It affects the XML parsing library filled with the projects like APKTool, IntelliJ, Eclipse as well as the Android Studio. Check Point security researchers…

By | Posted on December 19, 2017 | Comments Off on New ParseDroid Vulnerability Threatens Android App Developers

Android 8 Oreo: A First Look

Android 8 Oreo: A First Look

It seems only yesterday that the Android OS came to each of our lives. Every version update gave us that certain thrill and excitement on what new feature the new Android version has to offer. After a few new upgrades, Android has yet again given us something to hype over, it’s its new version 8 a.k.a. Oreo. Let’s take a first look at what Android 8 has to offer. The first thing we can notice about the Oreo is its simple yet stunning good looks, it’ minimalistic yet more advanced option…

Best Android Games for December 2017

Best Android Games for December 2017

As the year closes once again to a full circle, we can look forward again to what new and enchanting world of mobile games we’re about to explore in 2018. But before we set our sights on the new horizon of the near future ahead, let’s first unravel what we might have missed this year. With lots of free time during this holiday, it would be a good idea to stock our phones up with some of the great games for the month of December. So saddle up and settle down, ladies and gents as we go…

By | Posted on December 18, 2017 | Comments Off on Best Android Games for December 2017

Why Root?

Why Root?

Android devices are no doubt one of the best if not the very best kind of devices available in the market today. Ranging from Smartphones to Tablets, there’s almost everything within these amazing devices for every gender and age. Brimming to the top with features and function, these little guys pack up quite a wallop to everyone’s fancy. Although some of us might not know it, these already great devices still have much to offer. So much more than unlocking these hidden potentials could…

Root of all Awesome

Root of all Awesome

The mobile device here, mobile device there, mobile device everywhere! Everywhere you look, every street you walk, even every cranny and every nook, you’ll find people holding, talking, looking at and fidgeting a Phone or Tablet. Who could ever resist the handheld marvels? These devices are jam-packed with functions and features on could ever need, from the basic calling and texting to the web browsing and video streaming, to shopping and booking even online gaming, these little buggers have…

Root and Roll

Root and Roll

The Future is now! Who would have thought that the day would come when that clunky old analog phone could evolve into something quite powerful? From just receiving calls, phones have quickly acquired more and more capabilities like text messaging, colored screens, polyphonic sounds, FM radio capability, camera, video recorder. Then like pre-historic fishes evolving legs to explore new frontiers, our phone predecessor discarded their analog keypads to acquire the touchscreens we have today. From…