How to Charge your Android Smartphone or Tablet More Quickly

How to Charge your Android Smartphone or Tablet More Quickly

Sick and tired of sitting around waiting for your smartphone or tablet to charge? Today, we’re going to explain all of the best ways to charge your Android smartphone or tablet more quickly – even if you don’t have Qualcomm Quick Charge. Understand that Different Chargers have Different Power Outputs If you’ve ever plugged your phone into your laptop via USB to charge, then you’ve undoubtedly noticed how long it takes to get fully charged. You may have also noticed that charging…

How to Get a Clear Galaxy Note 5 Case Without Buying Any Accessories

How to Get a Clear Galaxy Note 5 Case Without Buying Any Accessories

Want to make your Galaxy Note 5 stand out from the crowd? Sick and tired of your boring black case? One Reddit user recently posted pictures of a DIY case modification. He was able to turn his Galaxy Note 5 into a clear case without needing to purchase any accessories. The process isn’t even that complicated. In the original thread on /r/galaxynote5, Reddit user /u/Skarface08 posted a video explaining how he did it. Check out that video from his OneDrive accout here:…

You Can Water Cool your Android for Superior Performance

You Can Water Cool your Android for Superior Performance

You’ve probably heard about liquid cooled PCs. But one YouTuber recently took liquid cooling a step further by creating water-cooled smartphones. His system wasn’t that advanced. Linus Sebastien of LinusTechTips fame recently tested the effects of water cooling smartphones by literally placing the phones in Ziploc bags inside an ice bath. Then, he activated some performance tests, running GeekBench continually for 10 minutes. Typically, the Snapdragon 810 processor and other high-end…

Top 5 Best Android 6.0 Marshmallow Features

Top 5 Best Android 6.0 Marshmallow Features

Android 6.0 Marshmallow is currently rolling out to devices across the world (okay, it’s just Nexus devices currently receiving the update). Nevertheless, most flagships should be receiving the update before the end of the year. To get you excited, here are the top 5 most important Android 6.0 Marshmallow features and improvements you need to know about: 5) Battery Saving Feature Called Doze One of the best and most immediately useful improvements on Android Marshmallow is called Doze.…

Why The BlackBerry Priv Could Be a Great Android Smartphone

Why The BlackBerry Priv Could Be a Great Android Smartphone

BlackBerry is an easy company to make fun of. The company recently ditched its BB10 operating system in favor of the more popular Android. Then, it called its new phone the “Priv”, which had UK residents snickering because apparently that’s what they call a bathroom over there. But the snickering has (somewhat) subsided because people have realized that the Priv could be a genuinely great Android smartphone. As BlackBerry teases more and more about its upcoming smartphone, we’ve…

Kemoge Android Malware Grants Itself Root Access to your Android Device

Kemoge Android Malware Grants Itself Root Access to your Android Device

Have you downloaded an app from outside the Google Play Store lately? If so, then you might have a dangerous new Android malware called “Kemoge”. That malware installs itself after you download a seemingly innocent app. After the installation is complete, the app performs 8 well-known root exploits in an attempt to gain root access to your device. After gaining root access, it contacts servers and appears to try to perform further action on your device. The malware was discovered by…

4 Tips to Get a Near-Stock Experience Of Android

4 Tips to Get a Near-Stock Experience Of Android

The Android OS has always been known for its tremendous flexibility. That explains why so many users want to get even more out of it through the introduction of other customized software to carry out modifications for a better experience. But some of these attempts have boomeranged on the users and there is now a move towards just wanting a stock Android experience without any of the paraphernalia or stuff that has been loaded by default into the OS. Rooting has been an option but many users…

Google Makes Voice Search More Accurate for Android And iOS

Google Makes Voice Search More Accurate for Android And iOS

You need to thank the Google Speech experts if you have been experiencing a significant change in your voice search function. Recently, Google announced that they have successfully implemented the system that allows for listening to the human voice automatically with significantly higher accuracy than before. The addition of the exciting recurring neural network feature has now enabled Google to comprehend complete words and therefore present more accurate results. So what is the Recurrent…

12 Reasons Why Picking Android Over iOS is Almost Always a Regret-free Experience

12 Reasons Why Picking Android Over iOS is Almost Always a Regret-free Experience

There is little doubt Apple has been able to make a success of its iPhone 6S sales despite its much higher cost and lack of serious innovation. It is also a fact that Apple remains the only competitor to Google in the smart phone segment, though lagging far behind. Both Microsoft and Blackberry have ceased to be of any competition to Google since quite some time now. Apple makes great products, but there are still enough valid reasons for you to go for the Android OS over the iOS. Let us…

Pebble Wants To Combat Apple Watch And Android Wear With Its Latest Offering

Pebble Wants To Combat Apple Watch And Android Wear With Its Latest Offering

With a run time of a day and a charge of 15 minutes wrapped around your wrist with compact elegance measuring merely 7.5 millimeters, the Pebble Time Round may not appear to be posing a major challenge to established Apple Watch and Android Wear. Moreover, it is priced at $249 and that is something that will make many customers will think twice before buying. After all, the entire experience is so limited. A lucrative market for Pebble Yes, there is a sizeable market that exists for smart and…