Is Android M Aiming Only for the Purists?

Is Android M Aiming Only for the Purists?

When the Android Lollipop launch was announced last year, the novel Material Design and other visually attractive icons floored onlookers. However, when the preview became available, people got disappointed as some of the taken for granted features were missing. Google then added those into the final release, but there are still some niggling issues related to volume controls, sound notifications that need resolution. The Android M may be able to fix these. The Google I/O 2015 has surprised…

3 Android Lollipop Issues That Really Need to Be Addressed

3 Android Lollipop Issues That Really Need to Be Addressed

The Android Lollipop does have a lot of positives over all previous OS versions but still has not been able to make its mark as the preferred OS for Android users. There are some pesky issues yet to be resolved and the slow rollout of this OS across the various devices is not helping either. Consequently, Lollipop is now present in only a shade over 10% of the smart phones running Android and that is a disappointing percentage indeed. The issues needing quick resolution are as…

Blackberry’s Android Lollipop Smartphone Initiative Could Rekindle Some Interest In Its Brand

Blackberry’s Android Lollipop Smartphone Initiative Could Rekindle Some Interest In Its Brand

After a brilliant start some years back, Blackberry has fumbled and fallen out of preference for most smart phone users. Users moved to the Android and iOS platforms even as Blackberry dilly dallied over what OS it should be introducing. Even a giant like Microsoft with its Windows OS has been unable to make a significant dent in the market shares of either Android or iOS. Blackberry in the meanwhile failed to make an impression with its Blackberry 10, despite the hyped security and other…

2 Android Apps for People Who Just Can’t Get Their Dates Right

2 Android Apps for People Who Just Can’t Get Their Dates Right

aCalendar Yes it is true that every smartphone has a calendar but if you are someone who uses their calendar as a planner then the basic calendar that is built in the phone is not good enough. Yes, there are planers available separately, however, it's hard to find apps as good as the one we stumbled across recently when it comes to this. Say hello to aCalendar - the Android Calendar. The usage of a calendar is beyond which day falls on which date. It is much more, including birthdays,…

4 Hot New Android Apps You Need In Your Life

4 Hot New Android Apps You Need In Your Life

Android has never seen a shortage of apps on its gigantic digital platform ever since it came into being. While we all have our usual favorites to go to, it will certainly not hurt us to know about a list of new apps and features. After all, the desire to have more of the same thing or wait in anticipation for something better is always existent in all of us. Thanks to the regular introduction of apps on this platform with most of them available for free on the Google Play Store, the demand…

Android M vs Android Lollipop – What We Know So Far

Android M vs Android Lollipop – What We Know So Far

The Android Lollipop got launched after a lot of hype and anticipation. It released in May last year and faced initial problems that got sorted out by November. That was 6 months after its launch. The roll out of this OS is still taking place and even as that is being done, you have news about Android M, which is going to be released by November this year. So what is Android M going to bring to the table and how is it going to be radically different from the Lollipop? Well, to start with,…

UrbanClap – A Promising On-Demand Professional Service Marketplace Tailored to Your Needs

UrbanClap – A Promising On-Demand Professional Service Marketplace Tailored to Your Needs

Home is where the heart is and heart is where your comfort is. Unfortunately, comfort is what a lot of city shifters fail to experience. When you’re in the tourist phase of your new city’s adjustment period, you need a lot of helping hands to keep your boat afloat. When the time comes for you to seek a good service, you should have access to the right qualified professionals to deliver that to you. And when the time comes, you should flip your Droid out and download an app called…

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep Using Your Android

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep Using Your Android

Insomnia is a problem that has become endemic to modern day living. Many people are suffering from irregular sleeping hours and are now realizing the importance of a good night’s sleep more than ever before. Those days of staying awake late at night to catch up on movies or drinking binges are taking its toll. Obesity, hypertension, stress and ulcers have become the bane of those who are suffering from insomnia. Things have come to such a pass that people have been advised now to track their…

Save Your Android Battery Life from Power Hungry Apps

Save Your Android Battery Life from Power Hungry Apps

Android has been a great OS initiative for Google and with over 80% of the market share, is sitting pretty indeed. Many of its apps have become hugely popular with users and the number is growing even as this is being written. These apps have enabled smart phone Android users to get entertained, get informed and even carry out financial transactions. The Google Play Store has been the repository of all these goodies and users have been quick to download them as and when they have…

uTorrent – The Ultimate Digital Entertainment and Information Library

uTorrent – The Ultimate Digital Entertainment and Information Library

At first, there was television that became the ultimate attraction  for catching our favorite movies and TV shows. It was amazing and we used to watch whatever came on it and desperately hunt for show calendars to mark our dates for the programs we loved. Then, shows developed and so did we, resulting in us having the luxury of picking our favorites and watching them as per our convenience. We did not just watch waterer the telly showed. We waited for the ones we wanted to see, at the time…