How Much Did Samsung Pay for Ellen’s Oscars Selfie?

How Much Did Samsung Pay for Ellen’s Oscars Selfie?

If you’ve been off the internet for a few days, then welcome back. You probably missed a social media event so large that it shut down Twitter for a few minutes. That’s right: I’m talking about the Oscars selfie. You didn’t have to look far on Twitter to find Apple fanboys complaining about Ellen’s use of the Galaxy Note 3 to take the famous picture. “Blatant produce placement” they screamed. “Wow, how much did Samsung PAY for that selfie?” others bellowed. Well,…

Popular iOS App QuizUp About to Arrive on Android

Popular iOS App QuizUp About to Arrive on Android

It’s 2014 and there aren’t a whole lot of popular apps exclusive to iPhone anymore. QuizUp is arguably the world’s most popular mobile app that is currently exclusive to iPhone users. Fortunately, that title may be about to disappear. QuizUp’s developers recently posted on Facebook that they’re working on “our last rounds of intensive in-house testing and bug-fixing for the Android app so you’ll be able to get it AS SOON AS NEXT WEEK.” As soon as next week probably…

Using Social Media Aggregators to Make Social Networking More Efficient

Using Social Media Aggregators to Make Social Networking More Efficient

The following two apps are a by-product of the ever-blossoming socially empowered internet generation. To be more specific, they are an aggregator of the world of social media. The world of social media has to a large extent made life easier and with more of them coming your way it becomes difficulty to keep up with all of the platforms today. Further, still it is quite a mess downloading the list of social media apps onto your Android phone and having it choke up all your RAM space until your…

How to Try a Paid Android App for Free

How to Try a Paid Android App for Free

The world’s most popular Android apps are almost always free. However, when a paid app is on the “most downloaded” list, you know it has to be good. But what if you don’t want to pay for your Android apps? Today, I’m going to show you an easy and legal way to try Android apps without ever spending money. Every app has a 15 minute trial This may seem like a sleazy way to go about life, but it’s an effective way to try any Android app for free. Simply download the paid app and…

Use an Android Floating Translator to Learn Foreign Vocabulary

Use an Android Floating Translator to Learn Foreign Vocabulary

Are you learning another language? The best way to learn a foreign language is to immerse yourself in it wherever you go. Since you probably spend a lot of time on your phone, it’s important to use your phone as part of this immersion experience. Today, I’m going to show you how to use your phone as a foreign translator and add a floating foreign vocabulary box to your Android screen. -Download Floating Translator Beta here -Open the app to adjust settings -Once the app has…

How to Check Website Uptime With a Simple Android App

How to Check Website Uptime With a Simple Android App

If you run websites, then you know uptime is important. Even if you don’t run websites, you probably know uptime is important because it’s 2014 and everybody does everything on the internet. For years, the best way to check if your website was up was to manually visit it yourself. This was time-consuming if you had multiple websites on different hosts that needed to be checked. That’s why one talented Android developer created an app called pypmin. pypmin – yes, with all lower…

How to Use Your Android Phone or Tablet as a Remote Control Device for your PC

How to Use Your Android Phone or Tablet as a Remote Control Device for your PC

Most Android users have a simple Android to PC relationship. They connect their Android device to their PC to exchange song files and possibly pictures. That’s it. But some Android users demand more from their Android/PC relationship. Today, we’re going to show you how to actually use your Android phone or tablet to remotely control your PC and execute important commands. This method currently only works with Windows XP, Vista, 7 8, and 8.1 computers, although the developer promises…

2 Android Games Guaranteed to Beat Your Boredom

2 Android Games Guaranteed to Beat Your Boredom

Glow Hockey We’ve all done this as kids, as teenagers, and even as adults in malls, motels and places all over the world that would take us to the table of slippery glory that gets your competitive juices flowing and get you on your toes. You may remember playing it till the clock strikes time to go home or before you’re all out of coins to play with. Air Hockey’s the name of the game that everyone secretly wishes rocking out your weekend evenings out with friends instead of another…

PingPong – A Handy Virtual Teaching Assistant

PingPong – A Handy Virtual Teaching Assistant

If you aren’t in school and you are reading this, then I’m afraid what you are about to read is going to make you jealous. Well, that is assuming you’re not a teacher of course. Although PingPong is an Android app that may sound like a fun game to wile away your time, it is actually what can only be dubbed as every teacher’s fabled elixir. PingPong is an Android app created for the students and teachers. It is essentially one of the best tools that will set the tone of the class and…

We Heart It – The Photo Sharing App with a Social Touch

We Heart It – The Photo Sharing App with a Social Touch

Social Sharing is on the high and what’s a better way to share things in the World Wide Web than doing it with a visual touch? If your answer is still in a negative, try checking out what ‘We Heart It’ has in store for you and prepare to change your mind, for the fervent photographer or for the amateur Joe who takes pleasure in all kinds of imagery, We heart It is an Android app that’s meant for everyone. The We Heart It app is simple in concept and sophisticated in its execution. It…