Top 5 Best Sports Apps for Android

Top 5 Best Sports Apps for Android

If we have the time and money, and literally divide our body multiple times, we can watch all our favorite sports in the world in live action. How we wish we could watch all the world’s sports competition and interact with our favorite players in real life. Since we can’t afford to do so and cutting our body is not a very good idea, here are the best sports apps for Android to keep us updated with all our favorite teams and players. CBS Sports CBS Sports is not just an app that…

Android Phone Batteries Have Plateaued Over the Years

Android Phone Batteries Have Plateaued Over the Years

You’re not crazy if you think battery life is shrinking over the past few years. When mobile phones were first introduced in the market, battery capacity can last up to two or three days. Today, it can barely last half a day. The increasing demand for graphics and Android features also demands power, thus fast battery consumption. Yet, this is not the only reason why batteries today continue to go smaller as if it’s rolling down a slope. Here are other reasons that redefined Android…

RAMpage Exploit Silently Roots your Android Device

RAMpage Exploit Silently Roots your Android Device

Back in 2016, the Android community reeled from an exploit called Drammer. Drammer rooted your device by exploiting a vulnerability. Google quickly patched the vulnerability, temporarily mitigating the attack. Unfortunately, Google’s fix worked for 21 months, but now we’ve seen a similar attack take place under the name RAMpage. Both Drammer and the newly unveiled RAMpage use a “Rowhammer” exploit to root your Android device. Rowhammer is a class of exploit that changes data…

Top Heavy Graphics Android Games You Must Play with Your ASUS ROG

Top Heavy Graphics Android Games You Must Play with Your ASUS ROG

Your hands are probably itching to get a hold of that super gaming phone ASUS ROG which was reported to be released this 3rd quarter of 2018. You probably already have the gaming spirit, but do you have the games? PUBG and the upcoming Fortnite on Android, as well as other mainstream games, are probably included in your bucket list of games. However, it would defeat the purpose of the phone of having a super phone if you’ll just stick to low graphics game. It’s high time to level up…

The Most Unique Android Phones This Year

The Most Unique Android Phones This Year

Smartphones are becoming more and more the same over the years. Gone are the days when we can easily recognize a brand just by looking at its physical appearance. Today, you need to double check the logo in case you’re interested in your friend’s phone. Despite this almost uniform design, there are still brands who choose to go beyond the standard. If you want to get your hands on something you don’t see every day, we’ve laid out a list of the most unique smartphones you can find on…

Android: From Bankruptcy to the World’s Most In-Demand Company

Android: From Bankruptcy to the World’s Most In-Demand Company

Almost two billion people around the world are using the Android OS and it just keeps growing every day. It has beaten its established rivals such as Microsoft’s Windows Phone. Nokia’s Symbian, and the Blackberry –the last two now shifted to Android. However, the company didn’t start winning the lottery. They were struggling and almost went into bankruptcy. Luckily, it only took one moment to save the dying OS – Google came to the rescue. This perhaps is Google’s best acquisition…

You can finally enjoy Fortnite on Android this July 2018

You can finally enjoy Fortnite on Android this July 2018

Tencent Games, who manages PUBG mobile, are also the people responsible in making Fortnite available on mobile. Fortnite fans are probably excited because they can now basically carry their game anywhere. The company says that the mobile version of the game will be coming very soon, perhaps on July 24. Many people already know about the game, but not all. There are some who don’t own a console that has never played the game before. So, for those interested and been hearing the…

You’ll Need This Solar Charger for Your Android Phone

You’ll Need This Solar Charger for Your Android Phone

Just up! Our Android phone battery problems may finally have a solution in extending battery life outdoor. Traveling for work or leisure, battery life is always an issue. We just can’t go by with dead smartphones nowadays. We’re even willing to spend at least 5 minutes to charge in the closest 7eleven no matter how hectic our schedule is. You can bring a power bank, sure. But, what if that is also drained? Or you forgot to also charge it? Fortunately, we may not have to worry about…

5 Smartphone Battery Myths: Which Are True?

5 Smartphone Battery Myths: Which Are True?

We missed the days when mobile phones live to operate for three days in a single charge. Remember those old Nokia days when your phone’s battery life is almost immortal. 1 bar of the battery can still go on for a day, and if it is completely drained, just restart your phone, rub the battery, and it will recharge by itself. Nowadays, it’s hard to come by with a smartphone that has great battery life. That’s the main reason why we came up with a DIY effort in preserving battery and…

Samsung Galaxy S9 Problems and Fixes

Samsung Galaxy S9 Problems and Fixes

The Samsung Galaxy S9 is no doubt an awesome phone packed with cool features a high-end smartphone can have. However, nothing in this world is perfect including your favorite Samsung phone. Several users have published some issues online about the Galaxy S9. They are just common problems but must not be ignored. In order to have a smooth S9 experience, here are some of the common problems of the S9 and ways on how to fix them. Battery Problems Some people reported that they’re…