Limelight – A Hidden Gem of an App for Root Users

Limelight – A Hidden Gem of an App for Root Users

If you are one of those rare people who spends more time on their laptops than their phones, hats off to you! Also, you might have become more used to your cursors and might be left feeling incomplete whenever you use your phones. For those of you , Limelight for Rooted Devices is surely a boon. As the name goes, this app is specifically designed for rooted Android devices. This app enables full mouse capturing, which is not possible without root access. This means no Android mouse cursor or…

GL to SD – Keeping the Child in You Alive

GL to SD – Keeping the Child in You Alive

If you have ever caught yourself wondering why you grew up and that being old is not such a great thing after all, or if you are desperately trying to keep the child in you alive but this busy adult world is not letting you then you are at the right place. Being an adult has its pros but all of us miss doing certain things that we used to do when we were kids. And we can still do them but we just don’t have the time. The idea is to have a balance and always take out time. But since time is…

Sixaxis Controller – The Ultimate Smartphone Gaming Experience

Sixaxis Controller – The Ultimate Smartphone Gaming Experience

Rooting makes the world of android a better place to live in, with more freedom, more control, an enhanced performance, unlimited space and lightening speed. It opens doors to many new and exclusive apps and a better functioning of regular apps. Rooting makes the smartphone gaming experience better than an unrooted android device. But if you download the right apps, rooting could make this gaming experience not just better but the best. Even though there have been a lot of advancements and…

System Tuner – To Make Our Virtual Lives Easier

System Tuner – To Make Our Virtual Lives Easier

Our smartphones offer us a wide variety of services in the form of apps. There is an app for almost everything that we could possible need help with from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. There are apps that even work for when we are asleep. This is the power of technology. While apps are supposed to make our lives easier, and they truly do, and they are fairy easy to use, yet, the huge amount of apps that a lot of us indulge in makes things a bit crowded. There are so many apps…

Rooting Hide – To Let It Be a Mystery

Rooting Hide – To Let It Be a Mystery

There are times when you might have to hide the fact that you have rooted your android device, assuming that you have rooted it. I don’t know why, but maybe the need would arise. Or maybe some apps are made just because, to trick apps into thinking that you have an unrooted device. You don’t really have any use of it but if there is an availability, you might want to use it or suddenly make a situation wherein you could use it. Rooting Hide is one of those apps. I personally could not…

Xposed Gel Settings – When Google Gets On Your Nerves

Xposed Gel Settings – When Google Gets On Your Nerves

Yes, I dared to say it. I love Google as much as the whole world does but its omnipresence could be a little too much at time. Yes, it is the most helpful thing on earth which plays a number of roles like a guide, a teacher, a friend, a lover, a mentor, an entertainer, and much more. But the way it has taken over our lives is no joke. Sometimes, some of us might want to take a break form it because whatever gadget one picks up, Google is the first thing that appears. As the saying goes, too…

LiveBoot – Let Boot Animation Begin

LiveBoot – Let Boot Animation Begin

If you are a tech geek and boot animation is your thing, you have found an app that will give you log cat level configurations. And that app is LiveBoot. It is a boot animation that shows you logcat and dmesg outputs on-screen as they happen. Output configuration includes logcat level, buffer and format selection; whether to show dmesg; the amount of lines that should fit on your screen, whether word-wrap should be employed, and if output should be color-coded. Additionally the background can…

Titanium Tweaker – Because Faster is Always Better

Titanium Tweaker – Because Faster is Always Better

We live in a fast paced world where our preferred way to be is quick. We need everything to be quick, the transportation, the internet and everything else. We are even increasingly becoming dependant on fast food. More than our personal choice, the demand to be fast in life in general is more social. We might want to sit back and relax, but if we do, the world we live in will not be kind to us. We will be left lagging behind and everyone will take over. And if one gets too comfortable, catching…

3 Great WiFi Apps For Your Android

3 Great WiFi Apps For Your Android

WiFinspect Since the internet era has been booming like never before, there are pros and cons to it because everything has its set of good and bad. And one of the begets risk o fusing the internet is unidentified networks that could possibly contain a virus. Therefore, there is an app called WIFinspect, for the people who think that it is better to be safe than to be sorry. WiFinspect is a multi-tool intended for Computer Security professionals and other advanced users that wish to monitor…