How to Send Large Files Between Android Devices

How to Send Large Files Between Android Devices

Every once in a while, you need to send a large file from one Android device to another. Or you may need to send a large file to your email or to another person’s phone. Whether you’re sending vacation videos or a software program from one phone to another, there are a number of different services you can use to transfer large files. Most apps have size restrictions, so it’s important to pay attention to those restriction to make sure your file gets through. -You can use WhatsApp to…

How to Put an End to the iPhone vs Android Debate

How to Put an End to the iPhone vs Android Debate

As most people on the internet know, there’s a huge debate – nay, a war – underway between fans of Apple and Android. On the one side are Android fans, who claim that Androids: -Are more customizable -Are less expensive -Have bigger screens -Can download more apps Meanwhile, Android fans decry Apple products as being expensive and built for sheep. Apple fans respond to these accusations by saying the iPhone: -Looks way nicer -‘Just works’ -Has better…

How to Use Your Android Tablet to Paint in GIMP

How to Use Your Android Tablet to Paint in GIMP

You can do thousands of cool things with your Android tablet. We’ve talked about a lot of Android tips and tricks at the One Click Root blog, but there are always new things to learn about our favorite mobile operating system. Today, we’re going to show you how to use an Android tablet to paint in GIMP. Normally, you can only do this with a graphics tablet or a similar single-application device. But thanks to the power of Android, anyone can wirelessly paint on their computer screen…

Test Your Android Trivia Knowledge With This Android Quiz

Test Your Android Trivia Knowledge With This Android Quiz

Think you know a lot about Android? If you read our One Click Root blog on a regular basis, then you probably think you’re an expert about everything in the Android world. But do you really know how Google was able to create a mobile operating system and, in just a few years, transform that operating system into something with 75% global smartphone market share? Maybe you do, and maybe you don’t. If you’re ready to test your knowledge of Android, check out this 15 question quiz from…

Want to Read Inspirational Nazi Quotes? Download the Adolf Hitler App for Android Today

Want to Read Inspirational Nazi Quotes? Download the Adolf Hitler App for Android Today

Smartphone app stores didn’t exist when Nazi Germany was around. But if they did, you can be sure German citizens would have had an app called “Adolf Hitler” on their iPhones. The new Adolf Hitler app – available for free at the Google Play Store – is generating a storm of controversy around the world. The app provides biographical details about Adolf Hitler along with inspirational quotes about the famous Nazi politician. Some may find the app’s feature list to be creepy. In…

G Cloud Backup – Bringing the Cloud Revolution to Android

G Cloud Backup – Bringing the Cloud Revolution to Android

As 2013 cruises on, the evolution of cloud computing technology is setting the stage for yet another IT industry revolution. Although the cloud computing services available today have only begun to scratch the surface of their limitless potential, even as a casual user, you must be familiar with cloud service providers such as Dropbox and Google Drive by now. Genie9’s G Cloud Backup app for the Android platform is the one of the latest entries in the race for cloud service dominance on mobile…

How to Record Your Android Screen

How to Record Your Android Screen

Most of us know how to take a screenshot on Android. On most devices, you simply press the home button and the lock button at the same time. But do you know how to take a video of your screen? Let’s say you’re playing a game and want to upload gameplay footage to YouTube. How do you do that? Today, we’re going to show you. All Android screen recorder apps require root access in order to run. If you don’t have a rooted Android device, you’ll need to root it before we begin. Try…

Android Travel Apps That Will Save You Money

Android Travel Apps That Will Save You Money

As someone who is just about to set off on a worldwide adventure, I’ve been using quite a few different Android travel apps lately. Today, I’m going to talk about some of my favorite apps that have made exploring the world as easy as possible – all from the comfort of my office chair. Use WhatsApp to send and receive ‘text’ messages for free I have a Samsung Galaxy S3, and I’m certainly not letting that thing roam when I’m in a foreign country. I can’t afford to pay $5 per MB…

How to Optimize Your Airport Adventures With Android Apps

How to Optimize Your Airport Adventures With Android Apps

If you spend a lot of time in airports, then you’ve probably spent a fair bit of your life looking around confusedly for a coffee shop or a good place to eat. Airports can be confusing, and some airport terminals are horribly under-serviced. So what’s a traveler to do? Well, thanks to the power of Android apps, you can easily optimize your airport experience from the comfort of your Android device. Here are my favorite apps that will help you do that: Find the tastiest food and cheapest…