Candy Browser for Android – Speed Up Your Browsing Experience

Candy Browser for Android – Speed Up Your Browsing Experience

The answer to a lot of real world problems has been candy. Whether it is our promotion, demotion, a new relationship or a break-up, candy, much like pets, has been our constant companion. When candy can do so much for us, imagine what it would do to our virtual world! Well, you do not have to imagine anymore, because here is presenting Candy Browser for Android.  Candy Browser for Android is the free mobile web browser, its fast, simple and an easy way to browse web on your Android phone…

OWA – Because Microsoft Outlook is Simply Irreplaceable

OWA – Because Microsoft Outlook is Simply Irreplaceable

If you have ever extensively used your laptop or desktop for work, then you would agree that Microsoft Outlook is one of the most commonly used platforms for e-mail management. Nothing can be compared to the variety of convenient functions that Outlook provides, especially its latest versions. It makes sending and receiving emails quite convenient, at the same time provides an array of other mail management options. However, if you are unfamiliar with Outlook, here are a few reasons why it…

HD Video Player – Going High Definition in Style

HD Video Player – Going High Definition in Style

Not having a high quality display screen on your Android smartphone is no reason for you not to watch videos in high definition. Since technology has advanced, there are ways we can enjoy an HD experience even without an the screen being HD. It is our right to live in high definition now! Therefore, it is time for us to download HD Video Player for Android. You always wanted to play video files for free. You always searched for that media and video tool that plays all kind of video formats.…

Magisto Video Editor and Maker – The Shortcut to Making Videos

Magisto Video Editor and Maker – The Shortcut to Making Videos

If you are someone who loves making videos, but unfortunately are not blessed with Hollywood style video making skills, or if you do not have enough time to sit down and make videos, we have just the app you need. It is none other than the popular Magisto Video Editor and Maker app that's been making waves on the Play Store. Magisto Video Editor & Maker automatically turns your video clips and photos into awesome edited movies, complete with your choice of music, cool graphics, and…

SlingPlayer for Phones – Making The Most of a Slingbox

SlingPlayer for Phones – Making The Most of a Slingbox

Before we begin discussing this app, let us discuss the reason why this app exists. It only exists because Slingboxes exist. Therefore, it is important to first understand what a Slingbox is capable of and what limitations hold it back. Now, for those of us who are unaware of a Slingbox, the Slingbox is a TV streaming media device made by Sling Media that encodes local video for transmission over the Internet to a remote device. It is also called placeshifting. It allows users to remotely view…

Free Video Download Android – For Speedy Downloads!

Free Video Download Android – For Speedy Downloads!

Videos are fast becoming popular and my guess is that they will overtake pictures soon. If you are someone who agrees with this and passing time on the internet for you means surfing through various videos, today’s app is perfect for you. The app in review is named Free Video Download Android, and it does exactly what its name suggests with utmost efficiency. With this tool, you can quickly and easily download videos, music, images and more from the web. FVD is an application that…

Cheat Droid Pro – Let the Tech Nerd in You Prevail

Cheat Droid Pro – Let the Tech Nerd in You Prevail

There is much more to a smartphone than meets the eye, but, what we usually see and care about is what happens on stage. There are not too many of us who are genuinely interested in what happens backstage. But if you are one of those people who is not just interested in if something can or cannot happen but how it will happen if at all it happens on a smart phone. Too much? What I am trying to say is that today’s app is for the tech nerd who loves getting to know about how technology…

AIDE – IDE For Android Java C++

AIDE – IDE For Android Java C++

Have you ever wanted to create the next bestselling app? Apps are everywhere, and  for everything. Apps can make anything possible; so wanting to create one of your own to try and earn the most downloaded app honor is a good dream to have. Except, most of us are not programmers and know nothing about coding and other app production requirements. And when we log on to tutorials, all that stuff could get a little intimidating for most of us. Plus, there are a lot of us who might have an idea,…

Folder Lock – Keeping Private Things Private

Folder Lock – Keeping Private Things Private

One might be an open book but there are certain things in everyone’s lives that need to remain confidential. People usually don’t access each other’s laptops or desktops, however, there are situations where someone else needs to use our phones. That is fine! We do not have a problem with that, but our phone is not just our phone, it is so much more. It is our photo album, it is our tutor, our entertainer and even our office containing a lot of important documents that are best left…

iSyncr – iTunes for Android

iSyncr – iTunes for Android

I know, I know! Apple to android lovers is like Lord Voldemort to Harry Potter - ‘It That Shall Not Be Named'. Despite that, credit should be given where credit is due. We all know that the iPod was a game-changer in the music world. And we can all admit, we have used an iPod at some point and loved it. It is really good, all that music in that sleek little device. Yet, you don’t like the iPhone, understandable. You have an android smartphone. Fair enough. So, whenever you want to carry…