Umano – Catch Up With the Latest News Updates Without Reading Them

Umano – Catch Up With the Latest News Updates Without Reading Them

If you are someone who finds it hard to sit still and read, if you think that reading belongs to the stone ages, if you are a good listener or if reading becomes a bit inconvenient for you because you are busy doing other things, like driving, then UMANO is the app for you. Too much of text or very heavy paragraphs are a big turn off for a lot of us because we have just fallen out of the habit of reading since school. A lot of us have too many things to do and we do not have time to even…

Link Bubble – Bid Farewell to Useless Screen Staring Limbo

Link Bubble – Bid Farewell to Useless Screen Staring Limbo

Have you ever found yourself staring aimlessly at the screen of your device while the page you what to go to is loading? Have you ever stared for so long that you forgot what page you clicked on? Have you ever stared for so long that you started staring into space and started thinking about your existence or maybe the dirty laundry and suddenly when you snapped back into the present, the page has still not fully loaded? No? That means you are super rich with a very high internet speed. Also,…

How to Run Android Apps On Your Windows PC

How to Run Android Apps On Your Windows PC

The Google Android platform is a developer friendly one, and that is evidently justified just by glancing at the huge number of choices users have when they access the Google Play Store. Many of these apps have no restrictions either and that has enabled it to score over both iOS and Windows. All you need to run these apps is an Android device.  What if you have a Windows computer and still wish to run an Android app? The good news is that it is possible. You have the Android Emulator that…

Reddit Releases AMA Interview App for Android

Reddit Releases AMA Interview App for Android

Reddit is one of those communities people seem to either love or hate. That’s because Reddit, like the early United States, is a loose collection of dozens of different communities with different goals, interests, and moral codes. From the root-happy folks at r/Android to the celebrity-obsessed fans at r/IamA, Reddit has plenty of different things going on. And now, you can add “Android app” to that list of things. Introducing the AMA app Reddit has never had an official…

New Google Policy Lets Nexus 5 Users Replace Cracked Screens (But Only Once)

New Google Policy Lets Nexus 5 Users Replace Cracked Screens (But Only Once)

Did you crack the screen on your Nexus 5? If so, you were probably really sad. Well, get really happy. Because I have some good news: Google recently updated its policies to allow you to replace your Nexus 5. That new policy lets you replace a damaged Nexus 5 one time only. So if you crack your screen or damage your Nexus 5 case in any way, Google will instantly send you a replacement. “No questions asked” One of the best parts about this policy is that Google will replace your…

Song Kick – Your Customized Concert Hunter

Song Kick – Your Customized Concert Hunter

Unless we are fanatics and not fans, we usually have quite a number of favorite artists. Since singing talent is on the rise, both natural talent and technologically enhanced talent (come on, we all know that most of them are just attractive and being good looking can sell everything, Scarlett Johansson’s used tissues. Need I say more?). Anyway, to keep track on the gigs of all of our favorite artists can become next to impossible because the next upcoming artist is always performing everyday…

Top 4 Things You Need to Know About the New Galaxy Note 4

Top 4 Things You Need to Know About the New Galaxy Note 4

Samsung just announced the new Galaxy Note 4. The world is buzzing because – like the Note 3 before it – the Note 4 is an amazingly powerful (and amazingly large) smartphone. What did you miss from Berlin’s IFA 2014? What do you need to know about the Galaxy Note 4? Here are the top 4 most important things to know about Samsung’s new flagship device: 4) It’s not a whole lot different from the Note 3 If you already own a Note 3, there’s little incentive to get a Note 4. Samsung…

Everything You Need to Know About Samsung’s New Curved Smartphone: The Galaxy Note Edge

Everything You Need to Know About Samsung’s New Curved Smartphone: The Galaxy Note Edge

At Berlin’s IFA 2014 event, Samsung revealed a smartphone everybody expected them to reveal: the Galaxy Note 4. Unbeknownst to most members of the media, however, was the fact that the Galaxy Note brought along a friend called the Galaxy Note Edge. This new smartphone features a small curve to the right of the screen. This curve extends the display past the face of the screen and onto the right-hand side. It’s a nifty little feature that may or may not be a gimmick. In any case,…

OpenTable – Because Wining And Dining Should Always Be Perfect

OpenTable – Because Wining And Dining Should Always Be Perfect

Somehow our favorite restaurants always have the longest waiting period. It is so annoying to wait for days to get a table in that new fabulous restaurant that the final mead does not even seem worth the wait. That is in case we do manage to get a table because most of us lose all our patience by that time. The local Chinese take away is not so bad after all. Also, our favorites keep changing from time to time. How much of the same kind of delicious food can we eat anyway? We start craving…

Android Quickly Capitalizing On the Apple Void in the Smartphone Market

Android Quickly Capitalizing On the Apple Void in the Smartphone Market

It is clear that Apple would not be able to compete with Google on pricing. The Android platform and great handset choices have helped Google capture more than 80% of the market. The strength or unique selling proposition of Apple has always been the quality and feature rich nature of their products. That helped Apple get market attention and also enabled it to price its products at a much higher pedestal. It had its own niche and people wanting to buy an Apple product went for it despite the…