TweetDeck – Connecting Tweeple Closer

TweetDeck – Connecting Tweeple Closer

Tweeple, as we all know by now, is a term associated with people who belong to the ever-chirping social community known as Twitter. Twitter is a site that takes creativity to a new level but restricts ideas of people to 140 characters only. For those wondering why a limitation on your expressions is a good thing, this is exactly the feature that has helped Twitter carved a niche in the social networking business and facilitated an interesting way for people to manifest their imagination. In a…

Reinvent Your Android Radio Experience With SKY FM

Reinvent Your Android Radio Experience With SKY FM

They say music releases the soul. Unfortunately, conventional radio is a dying messiah of musical wonders that has been abandoned in favor of more convenient sharing platforms. Enter SKY FM - a radio app for Android devices that revamps the glory of the radio experience as you know it and elevates it to a whole another level. SKY FM brings you music from across the world be it Asian Pop, Western Rock, Russian Dance, European Hits, South American Dance numbers, and a ton of other exciting…

Google Translate Now Works Offline

Google Translate Now Works Offline

I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a foreign country, I don’t like using phone data. If I’m lucky, my cell company charges $5 per MB when roaming outside of Canada. That means uploading a picture to Facebook costs about $12, and taking a cruise on Google Earth might force me to declare bankruptcy. For that reason, I can’t use Google Translate when I’m in a foreign country. And as you can imagine, I need Google Translate most when I’m in a foreign country. You see my…

Samsung Galaxy S4 Battery Life Benchmarked – Is It Better Than the iPhone 5?

Samsung Galaxy S4 Battery Life Benchmarked – Is It Better Than the iPhone 5?

Here we are with another news story about the Galaxy S4. Today, we’re looking at the Galaxy S4’s battery life and how it compares to other leading Android smartphones available on the market today. Because nobody wants to ride the train home with a dead smartphone in their pocket. On that note, measured the GS4’s battery life and stacked it up against some of the best Android handsets and Apple smartphones available today. The results? Well, the GS4 doesn’t have the…

Android Camera Tips and Tricks – How to Take Beautiful Pictures

Android Camera Tips and Tricks – How to Take Beautiful Pictures

One of the best parts about upgrading to the Galaxy S3 after years of using a BlackBerry was being able to take advantage of a fantastic camera. The Galaxy S3 has one of the best smartphone cameras in the Android world today. But the Galaxy S3 isn’t alone. Most of today’s powerful Android smartphones have 8MP to 13MP cameras. And all that resolution will go to waste if you don’t know how to properly work the camera. There are plenty of Android camera tips and tricks that will help…

PicsArt – Bring Out the Da Vinci in You

PicsArt – Bring Out the Da Vinci in You

As a citizen of this tech-savvy generation, it will come no surprise to you that Photoshop has dominated the image editing space for years now. But the story in the Android world is taking an interesting evolutionary step forward with its plethora of innovative image editing and sharing apps. Amongst an impressive line-up of contenders, we have witnessed the emergence of an app named PicsArt, which has received 5-star critical acclaim from over 5 million people and has been downloaded by more…

Should You Upgrade From the Samsung Galaxy S3 to a Galaxy S4?

Should You Upgrade From the Samsung Galaxy S3 to a Galaxy S4?

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is the world’s most popular smartphone. That means a lot of people have it. So now that the Samsung Galaxy S4 is ready, people all over the world are trying to decide whether or not to upgrade. So is the GS4 really all that much better than the GS3? Are there any killer features that GS3 users need to have? Today, we’re going to highlight a few of the best GS4 features to help you decide if the upgrade is worth it: In terms of appearance, the two are nearly…

The Best Android Alternatives That Aren’t the iPhone or Windows Phone

The Best Android Alternatives That Aren’t the iPhone or Windows Phone

When we talk about Android alternatives at One Click Root, we talk a lot about the iPhone and Windows Phone. In fact, that’s basically all we talk about. But there are other viable Android alternatives out there. Today, we’re going to highlight some of the best Android alternatives that have nothing to do with Microsoft, Apple, or Google. Ubuntu Ubuntu is arguably the world’s most popular Linux operating system for desktops. But the creators of Ubuntu weren’t satisfied with…

How to Text Message Someone Using Facebook Messenger for Android

How to Text Message Someone Using Facebook Messenger for Android

Facebook Messenger is a popular application that – as you probably already know – allows users to send messages to their Facebook friends. But Facebook Messenger recently received a powerful upgrade that allows users to send both SMS text messages and standard Facebook messages through the app. Accessing the SMS feature on Facebook Messenger is really simple. In fact, users barely have to do anything. Already, Android users around the world have been prompted to import their text…

How to Automatically Adjust your Android Ring Volume Based on Ambient Noise

How to Automatically Adjust your Android Ring Volume Based on Ambient Noise

How many times have you been in a quiet classroom when your “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” ringtone goes off at an embarrassingly loud volume? If that’s never happened to you, count yourself as lucky. Because all it takes is one slip-up before you’re known as the biggest Beyoncé fan in the class. If you want to protect yourself against such a devastating accident, then you’ll be interested in today’s Android how-to lesson. Today, we’re going to show you how to set your…