Video Converter Android – Video Conversion Made Easy

Video Converter Android – Video Conversion Made Easy

The picture craze had begun a while back and is showing no sign of stopping. People now are more interested in telling and listening to stories through pictures. Pictures allow us to actually experience a piece of someone else’s life. They allow us to get to know people much better. Thus, everyone loves taking and watching pictures. And this is not just limited to Instagram or Facebook or Twitter, people keep sending and receiving pictures privately as well. However, pictures can be…

G Cloud Apps Backup Key – Rooted App Backing

G Cloud Apps Backup Key – Rooted App Backing

If you have a rooted Android device and are enjoying all of its benefits, particularly more space to download apps and other such things, and if you have not found an app to your liking to backup those apps yet, this app is a perfect fit for you.  Say hello to G Cloud Apps Backup Key. This is what it is all about: • Your G Cloud Root key to backup Apps settings • Comes with 4 GB Free online storage • No icon! Requires G Cloud Backup Free app to be installed • The…

Total Commander – A Time-Tested File Manager For Your Android

Total Commander – A Time-Tested File Manager For Your Android

Even though change is the only constant, nothing can beat the comfort that comes with familiarity. It is true that the world is evolving every second, and so are we along with it, but, all changes are not embraced with open arms. This because change brings along a certain sense of discomfort. It is human to resist change at first - whether it is for the better or for the worst. We are usually accustomed to a certain kind of living, a certain kind of technology and frequent upgrades can get a…

Device Info Live Wallpaper – Go Beyond Aesthetic Appeal

Device Info Live Wallpaper – Go Beyond Aesthetic Appeal

Whether or not you have rooted your Android device, you must have been often advised against putting up live wallpapers. This is because live wallpapers stop our devices form running optimally. While it may be enjoyable, it greatly reduces the speed of the Android device over time as it consists of files that keep running in even when the Android device is not in use. Thus, live wallpaper apps not only eat up your precious battery, they even slow down the overall functioning of the phone. And…

ADW.Launcher – The Changing Android Desktop

ADW.Launcher – The Changing Android Desktop

The android desktop or the home screen is the most widely viewed screen. So, it is quite understandable if you have become bored of viewing the same screen. Maybe you had not thought of this before and are thinking of it now, after reading this. We are constantly on our smartphones and the first screen where we land up on is the home screen. And side change is the only constant, let us welcome ADW.Launcher. It is a highly customizable home replacement application. Is an normal android…

Hotspot Shield VPN and Proxy – No More “Access Denied”

Hotspot Shield VPN and Proxy – No More “Access Denied”

When you have everything, a good smartphone, a speedy internet, and a website that you want to access, it can be quite annoying if your access is denied. Why should it be when you have everything? It should not. I am sure that that is what you feel, and so does an app called Hotspot Shield VPN and Proxy. Thanks to this nifty app, you can unblock any website or app to access videos, movies & social networks, WiFi security keeps mobile activities safe & private, enjoy unlimited VPN…

Memory Toolbox – What Good is a Phone Without Memory?

Memory Toolbox – What Good is a Phone Without Memory?

Imagine if we had phones without any memory. Now remember that time when (if) your phone experienced an accidental memory wipe out. I am sure that none of these thoughts would bring a smile to your face. The truth is - a smartphone ceases to be smart if there is not sufficient memory or if memory loss accidents happen to it - whether it has been rooted or not. So how smart is it to own a smartphone that has memory issues? If you can relate to anything in he above stated bit, Memory…

Trickster MOD Kernel Settings – Never Settle for Second Best!

Trickster MOD Kernel Settings – Never Settle for Second Best!

The most important reason to root an Android device is to get full control over it. This control include flashing custom kernels. As we all know, there are various kinds of custom kernels available, each having different specifications. All we need to do is find one that fits our needs. However, there are a handful of us who are very picky about everything, including kernels. We know exactly what we want our custom kernel to have, but unfortunately, that does not always happen. There is…

Lockwatch Mobile Security – Keeping An Eye On Your Droid, Literally!

Lockwatch Mobile Security – Keeping An Eye On Your Droid, Literally!

As everyone knows how much I like to go on and on about mobile security and how safety is of utmost importance, I am going to add to that today but not with another run of the mill mobile security apps. Today’s app one ups any security app ever because it is amazing! This app has the potential to set fear in people’s minds, provided those people are thieves. Today’s app actually gives a sense of security because if something happens, the culprit is sure to be arrested. Today’s app is…

Mobile Mouse Lite – Turning Your Android Into a Remote

Mobile Mouse Lite – Turning Your Android Into a Remote

If you are sick and tired of your keypad because it restricts your posture, even when you are using your laptop in bed of if you use a PC, your relaxing days have arrived thanks to an app called Mobile Mouse Lite. Mobile Mouse Lite instantly transforms your Android device into an in-air, wireless remote for your computer! Sit back and use this remote to surf the web, browse your photo library or control your music player from the comfort of your couch. It uses the built-in accelerometer…