You Can Install “Android P” On Your Phone

You Can Install “Android P” On Your Phone

Want to join the fun in discovering the features of Android P beta? Or are you just curious what Android P looks like? The good news is Google allows everyone to enjoy the Android P beta and they even give two ways on how to install it. One method is you have to sign up of the Android Beta Program and get an update over the air. The second method is a bit complicated since you’ll have to flash the beta build of the OS to your smartphone. There is one condition, however. It will only work…

Classic Strategy Game “Command and Conquer: Rivals” now on Android

Classic Strategy Game “Command and Conquer: Rivals” now on Android

Our favorite Command and Conquer games, once enjoyed in PC, and one of the classic and most popular games of all time is now on Android! The EA Play 2018 marks the huge comeback of the game. There will be some changes to match mobile control, but nostalgia goes beyond those changes that they don’t manner anymore. Are you excited to play Command and Conquer? Are you ready to send those tanks to battle? Or launch those jets to annihilate enemy base? Here is everything you need to know…

Top Features of Android Oreo

Top Features of Android Oreo

Android has included a lot of new features for this year’s version of Android – the Android Oreo. It’s almost too different from its previous versions since it is a pack full of changes from the design to under-the-hood. If you own a recent flagship, then your device is probably running Android Oreo. Except for Nokia who used Android One and some phones who were included to test the Android P beta. Most of the smartphones released this year, especially the best and expensive ones, is…

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: First Peek

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: First Peek

We’ve been waiting for too long on when Samsung will release some details about the most anticipated Galaxy Note 9., or at least give us a sneak peek of what the phone looks like. The Galaxy Note is supposedly the series where Samsung pours all their latest smartphone techs making it a “must-buy” phone for all tech-savvy. Apparently, we can’t imagine how will the features of the Note 9 since they’ve released the already spectacular Galaxy S9 and S9+ earlier this year. The…

What To Do When an App “Has Stopped Working”

What To Do When an App “Has Stopped Working”

Nothing is more frustrating when an app you usually use suddenly prompts the message “Unfortunately, the app has stopped working.” Then, it crashes and crashes again and again and… you just can’t use it! This is very common to Android and can happen anytime due to several reasons. And in order to troubleshoot the said problem, you must know the reason behind first why it crashes. Here are some easy tips to follow to lighten up your mood and give you hope once your favorite app…

New from Google: Google Lens, Mid-range Pixel Phone, Redesigned Gmail

New from Google: Google Lens, Mid-range Pixel Phone, Redesigned Gmail

Google, as we all know, always has the tendency to change from time to time. Some call it an adaptation, improvement, investment, or just plain inconsistent. Whatsoever people want to call it, we still love Google more than anything. This year, a lot of things are going on around the Android phone and that’s all thanks to Google. Two honorable mentions for these changes is the launch of YouTube Music which makes two Google music-streaming app and Android P beta, buggy and less savvy, but…

Did You Know That Google Has 7 Messaging Apps?

Did You Know That Google Has 7 Messaging Apps?

Google recently announced their latest music-streaming app making people think that the company was redundant since they already have Google Music. We can’t imagine their reaction if they realize that Google has seven messaging apps! Google started off a search engine and e-mail. There is no doubt that the company would emphasize people’s ability to communicate. But, we never thought Google would emphasize ‘communication’ this much. It was in 2004 when Google launched its first…

YouTube Music Hands-on: Is It Time to Switch?

YouTube Music Hands-on: Is It Time to Switch?

YouTube Music is on the roll and as what reports are suggesting, they’ll soon get rid of Google Play Music - eventually. Will YouTube Music really deliver what’s promised? This could be the break Google has been waiting for all these years for a successful music-streaming app. Or it could just be another letdown. So, while we’re predicting what might happen, let’s see what the app can currently offer. UI – This is Where the Introduction Happens All successful apps today usually…

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is now on Android!

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is now on Android!

Classic RPG never dies, and it took Square Enix twelve years to realize that they don’t have to make new games. They only need old games in modern consoles. Hard-core RPG fan can now play their favorite Playstation 1 game straight out from their pockets. The game originally launched in 1999 and was made PSP-compatible in 2006. Now, due to unending demand for its unique storyline and gameplay, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is now available on Android for only $16! The app was only available…

New Qualcomm Snapdragon 710: Better Smartphones, Cheaper Deal

New Qualcomm Snapdragon 710: Better Smartphones, Cheaper Deal

Keep your eyes peeled, and mouth closed. A new dragon is coming to town and ready to snap your breath. Qualcomm just unleashed the new Snapdragon 710 – the father of its recently announced 700 mobile platform series. This new technology promises to make premium smartphones at a lesser price, boosts significantly on performance, better battery life, and more optimization. You’re probably raving to know the specific features this beast has in store for the future of smartphones – or…